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Elizabeth Olsen as Appoline Delacour

Aunt Appoline's comforting hug was absolute heaven, and extremely comforting, but it didn't soothe the heavy feeling in Vega's heart.

"Please, I- I can't-" Vega broke off, pushing out of the huge embrace. Aunt Appoline looked confused.

"Vega, what is wrong? We are only hugging you," her words drifted plainly through her perfect pink lips.

"I-I don't know, I can't-" Vega clipped her words short as Colin stood up, placing his hands on her shoulders. Vega began to grow hysterical again.

"Vega, look at me, hey, Vega," Colin kept his tone even, not wanting to alarm the poor girl. She seemed to come back to reality as her beautiful blue eyes looked into his and she threw her arms around his neck, her soft sobs making her whole body shake. Colin's heart ached for her.

Several hours after Vega first received the awful news, Colin was back sitting in the same room, in the same spot. Vega's young and beautiful aunt had pulled her out for a private talk.

The door creaked as the short blonde padded into the room with a piece of parchment in her hand. She crawled into Colin's lap and handed him the parchment, and he thought nothing of it. They were the best of friends, only twelve years old. Twelve year olds can sometimes hold much more compassion than people think.

Colin unrolled the parchment curiously and took a sharp breath at what was written on it.

Sometimes in these past few hours, I had thought I was surely dying. The pain in my chest presses down and makes me want to scream for no reason. My throat stings constantly with the threat of tears ready to come if needed- no, when needed.

My head is spinning and I can't explain how I feel to anyone. I think Colin may be the best friend there ever was. He is so so sweet, and he just listens and makes me feel better. I love him, I think. I loved my mother, too. And now she's gone. Will Colin be next?

Colin finished reading the parchment and squeezed Vega tightly. Nobody should be going through what she was currently. A heavy sigh escaped Vega's partly open lips, and Colin realized she was sleeping. She was probably exhausted with everything she had gone through that day. Colin grabbed a blanket that was hanging on the back of the old couch and placed it over the sweet, sleeping girl. He shifted more comfortably, closed his eyes, and began to dream.


"Hmm?" The warm summer sun filled Colin's backyard. They were back in the summer, when the attacks started.

As Vega sat there, leaning against her best friend, her mind blanked. Nothing was coming up. There wasn't a single thought left in her brain. She sat up suddenly and turned to Colin. He looked back at her in confusion. She sat there for a second, her face levelly vacant, before she launched herself at him. He stumbled back in confusion. "Woah, Vega! Vega!"

A woman hidden in the bushes beyond the yard watched, the word 'imperio' having just left her lips. Her blonde hair shone in the summer sun and the corners of her mouth turned up as Vega screamed inhumanely and launched herself again at Colin as he got up. He took cautious steps backward as she went after him, but tripped on a loose rock and fell back. Vega threw herself at Colin and wrapped her fingers around his neck.

"Kill him!" The woman whispered and Vega got the message as she squeezed tighter, making the boy choke. He clawed at her hands and managed to pry them away from his neck. He scrambled back and she gave another cry as she followed after him. "Don't give up! Kill him!"

Colin took a deep breath as he awoke abruptly. The words 'kill him!' echoed around in his head as his heart raced.

Vega began to stir beneath him, her small body twisting around. She opened her eyes and looked at Colin. She immediately recognized the alarm on his face, and her eyebrows scrunched together.

"Colin, what's the matter? What is it?" Colin stood up and Vega stood up with him.

"We need to go to Dumbledore, now," in a few long strides, Colin was out the door, and Vega ran after him.

"Colin what happened?" she asked as she caught up to him. Colin shook his head and she grabbed his hand, attempting to pull him to a stop. The boy did not stop, however, but pulled Vega with him. She sighed and gave up, walking beside him, her hand still in his.

"I had a dream, and I think it could be true," Colin said. Vega's face scrunched in confusion. That was very vague; he wasn't giving her very much to go on. "I'm not going to say anymore until we are in Dumbledore's office."

"Well speak, then," Vega said as they stood in the headmaster's office.

"Professor Dumbledore," Colin began, rolling his eyes at the girl, "do you have Ms. Delacour's wand?" Dumbledore nodded.

"Not me personally, but it's in the possession of the Ministry. May I ask why?"

"I had a dream," Colin started, putting his hands out, "and I know how crazy it sounds, but I think the dream was real."

"Would you care to share what it was about?" Dumbledore prompted. Colin looked at Vega standing next to him and reached out his hand. Vega grabbed his gently and nodded.

"Um, Vega's imperious spells this summer? I had a dream that they were because of her mother. That she was doing it." Professor McGonagall gasped and looked at Colin behind her tiny spectacles.

"That is a very serious thing, Mr. Creevey," she said and Colin nodded.

"I know, but-" he began.

"It's possible," Vega cut in, wiping her tears. She sniffed, trying to compose herself. "We have to at least check, see if we can rule it out."

"Very well," Dumbledore sighed, gathering a parchment, "I must compose a letter to the Ministry."

They were all escorted out of the office back to the spare room to wait. Vega sank into that same awful couch and closed her eyes.

When would this all be over?

Hello everyone! It has certainly been a while and I am so sorry about that (:

As always

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

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