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"I'll see you guys in a week!" Vega waved to Ginny and Octavia as she got off the train with Colin, grabbing their trunks.

"Colin! Vega!" Vega heard and she turned to locate the source of the calls. Helen, Henry, Dennis, and Pavo stood together against a wall of the station.

"Colin, look, they're over there!" Vega said excitedly, pulling on the sleeve of his coat. "Pavo!"

Helen came over and gave the two hugs while Henry, Dennis and Pavo were still in their original position.

"We've got a surprise for you, Vega," Helen said, a wide smile on her face. Vega smiled back at her in anticipation. She walked toward the others but stopped about two feet away. "Come here, Pavo!" she said as she crouched down and held out her arms. Pavo gave a toothless smile and started taking hesitant steps toward Helen. Henry let go and she walked to Helen on her own.

"Oh, my Merlin!" Vega cried as she lifted Pavo, kissing all over her face. "Oh, sweet girl, you can walk already?" It had been nearly two months since she'd seen Pavo, and she felt her little sister was already so much bigger.

"She never stops," Henry said as he walked over with Dennis.

"Hey, Denny," Vega said as she hugged him with her free arm, "how's my favorite ten year old?"

"Good," Dennis answered monotonously. Vega laughed as she ruffled his hair.

"And what's wrong with you?" she inquired of the moody child in front of her.

"Dennis is mad that he couldn't eat any of the cookies before you two came home," Helen started with her arm around her eldest son, "so we better get going so he can finally dig in." They all laughed and headed out of the train station, the two students' trunks in tow.

"Finally!" Dennis exclaimed as they entered through the front door and he started at a run for the kitchen.

"Dennis Creevey, get in here and take off your boots!" Helen yelled and they all laughed as they took off their things and went into the kitchen. There was a huge plate of beautifully decorated cookies and Vega gladly took one, hungry after their journey. It was nearly dinner time, and the kitchen smelled amazing. Vega guessed it would be coming from the slow cooker that was on the counter.

"I know that Christmas is a few days away yet, but we figured we'd give you your present now, Vega," Helen spoke, sharing a smile with Henry.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything," Vega answered, looking to Colin. He only smiled knowingly.

"You're a part of our family now, Vega," Henry said as they walked through the house. He stopped in front of one of the spare rooms Vega had never really looked in. Helen took Pavo from Vega gently and motioned to the door.

"My present is in this room?" Vega asked and Henry just smiled. She reached out and placed her hand on the knob, twisting it slowly. With a little force, it swung open.

"Your present is this room!" Colin said, bumping her shoulder. She spun around, looking to Helen and Henry in shock.

"Surprise!" Helen said joyfully, her face glowing in a happy smile.

"We figured it's better than sleeping on Colin's floor," Henry said and tears welled up in Vega's eyes as she turned to step into the room.

It wasn't necessarily large, but it didn't need to be. Immediately in front of her was a nicely sized bed. It looked to be about the same size as the one she had at her own house. Or, former house. The bed was decorated with soft looking yellow pillows and grey and yellow blankets. There was an end table on one side that held a lamp and a picture frame. On the other side was a dresser that was decorated with some plants. Ivies, if Vega had to guess. Across the room was a crib, and there was another, smaller dresser on the same wall as the door.

Vain {Colin Creevey}Where stories live. Discover now