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Yellow by Coldplay is totally #VOLIN 's theme song for now, I might find a better one, but listen to it while you read (:

Vega opened her eyes, gasping lightly. Colin was sitting on the end of her bed.

"Colin?" she asked, confused. Colin was petrified- this didn't make any sense.

"Vega. How could you?" Colin asked. He turned his head towards her.

"Colin, what are you talking about?" Colin got up and walked towards her. His eyes were bleeding heavily.

"You are the reason I am like this! NOW YOU'LL GO DOWN WITH ME!" Colin roared and Vega screamed as Colin grabbed a pillow and placed it over her head. He had surprising strength and although Vega tried, she could not fight him off. Her screams were muffled but soon they died down. Her body stopped struggling and went limp.

Colin smiled. Now, she would suffer just like him.

Vega sat up in bed, gasping. Why on earth would she have a dream like that?

Everything had been downhill for the past few months. Octavia had been trying to cheer her up but Colin was gone and she couldn't really be happy. She had been putting up a front so Octavia would leave her alone but she wasn't sure if it was working. Everyone in school knew about her situation and some people comforted her while others taunted her mercilessly. She knew that she could used her Veela charm to stop it, but she didn't want that to change anything. While she had used it on Draco, she did not want to use it on anyone else.

Shaking away her thoughts, Vega swung her legs over the side of her bed. She padded silently to the bathroom and sat cross-legged on the floor, staring at herself in the mirror. She looked how she felt- a wreck. How had she let it come to this? Yes, Colin was gone, but was he really? He was still there, she visited him nearly every day in the Hospital Wing. The Mandrake Draught was said to be in progress.

Colin would not want Vega to be a wreck like this. Vega decided that today, she would not visit Colin. There was always tomorrow.

There were rumours, of course, that the Mandrake Draught would be finished today, but Vega hardly believed them. She did not want to get her hopes up.


Vega sat down next to Ginny and Octavia. It was dinnertime. There was a feast, actually. There was a great chatter amongst the Hogwarts students. The petrified students were most certainly un petrified.

"Welcome back, Sir Nicholas!" Vega called. Sir Nicholas smiled down at her and said a thank you. Her eyes followed Sir Nicholas to the door, where he met Hermione Granger. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley got up. Hermione ran to Harry, and exchanged an awkward handshake with Ron. Vega kept her eyes on the doors, but there was no sign of Colin.

There was a ringing of a glass. "Can I have your attention, please?" Professor McGonagall called out. The three second years took a seat and Dumbledore rose from his chair.

"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey, whose mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified."
A loud applause broke out. The two professors looked bashful, but proud. Dumbledore did not sit down. He waited until the applause died down and continued.

"Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled." There was a thunderous cheering.

"Did you hear that? No exams!" Octavia said, shaking Vega. Vega smiled half-heartedly. Looking down the table, she thought she saw Hermione Granger looking a smidge glum about there being no exams.

Dumbledore sat down and a loud noise turned everyone's attention to the doors. Vega's heart jumped. The doors opened to reveal Hagrid. Vega's heart sunk. Where was Colin? Why wasn't he back yet?

"Sorry I'm late." Hagrid announced. "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol."

Hagrid walked over to Harry Potter and the two exchanged words before Harry stood up and hugged the giant man. Hagrid went back to the teachers' table and the chatter resumed while everyone dug into the feast.

Vega sat on the bench, stunned. Colin wasn't unpetrified. He would be here already. A small tear gathered in her eye and she blinked it back, looking at the empty plate in front of her.

"Vega Delacour, you eat some food right now or I will force it down your throat." Ginny said. Ginny and Octavia began to pile food onto Vega's plate.

"Guys!" Vega laughed. "That's enough! I can't eat ten times my weight, you know." the three giggled. Vega looked up to the teachers' table. Professor Dumbledore caught her eye and nodded at something behind her. Confused, Vega turned around.

Her heart stopped.

The doors were opening.

She held her breath.

It couldn't be anyone else, right?

The doors opened fully. Vega felt tears gather in her eyes.

"Colin." she whispered. It was really him. Everybody watched her as she slowly stood up. She was shocked, to say the least. It was actually Colin. Colin locked eyes with her and he broke into a huge grin. Vega thought his face might split. "COLIN!" she yelled and took off at a sprint.

It was really him.

Colin was standing there.

This was real.

It was not a dream.

It was real.

Vega crashed into Colin's arms and a thunderous applause broke out as everyone watched the two best friends reunite. Colin hugged her tightly.

"Colin, I am so sorry. I didn't mean it, any of it. I promise. I wasn't thinking-"

"Vega." Vega looked into Colin's eyes.

"Hmm?" she hummed in response as he looked back.

"I missed you." before she knew it, Vega was crying. She couldn't stop the tears. She was so happy to have her best friend back. Everything was right again.


"Hey, can you get a picture?" Colin called to someone. Vega turned around. Harry Potter.

"Please, Harry?" Ginny asked. Harry smiled.


Colin, Vega, Ginny, and Octavia stood together in front of the fireplace, all smiling happily. Colin told Harry to take four pictures. After he was done, Colin smiled as Harry offered him back his camera.

"Actually, can you just take one more?" Colin asked. Harry sighed and nodded. Colin grabbed Vega and pulled her in front of the fireplace. "Get on my back." he instructed, laughing. Vega giggled as she jumped onto his back. He wrapped his arms around her legs and she wrapped hers loosely around his neck. "Actually, Harry, take two." When the pictures were done, Colin got his camera back and the four friends sat on the couch and talked about everything.


Yay! They are back together! I was so happy that this happened, you don't even know. Writing it made me happy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter AND THANK YOU FOR GETTING VAIN TO 594 READS HOLY FREAKING FRACK YOU GUYS ROCK <3 <3

Also I only made it to 3:41 on the song before I was done reading just saying

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

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