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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" a boisterous voice intruded on Vega's peaceful dreams and she rolled on her side, pulling Pavo closer.

"Vega! Colin! Get! Up!" Vega groaned and cracked an eye open. Dennis was jumping on Vega's bed. Pavo was beginning to wake up, as was Colin.

"Dennis, come on, go back to sleep!" Colin whined and Dennis threw the pillow he had been using at his brother's head, causing Vega and Pavo to giggle.

"I can't! It's Christmas!" Dennis yelled, bouncing on the bed again. Vega sat up, looking to the two boys excitedly.

"It's Christmas!" she repeated and got up, whirling Pavo around the room. Pavo giggled excitedly and they danced towards the door, pulling Colin with them. Dennis led the charge as they all burst into Henry and Helen's room.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up, it's Christmas!" Vega placed Pavo on their bed and she crawled up to Helen as Dennis continued shouting and running around the room.

A tear or two gathered in Vega's eye as she stood and observed. She never had this. She was never part of a family. There was so much happiness and laughter it was almost too much for her to comprehend.

"You okay?" Colin murmered as he rubbed the shorter girl's shoulder soothingly. She looked up at him and smiled softly.

"Yeah," she said as they followed their family into the living room, where they sat around the Christmas tree.

Pavo opened her gifts first, delightedly tearing the wrapping off and also trying to put it in her mouth. They all laughed at her as she opened various toys and clothes.

"My turn?" Vega asked and didn't wait for an answer, running to the tree and grabbing out all the gifts that were from her. She passed them out energetically.

"Here, Dennis, you go first," she said and Dennis tore the wrapping off the box.

"Holy moly!" he shouted enthusiastically as he removed the lid, seeing all sorts of magical sweets.

"It's from Colin and I," Vega stated, laughing at how excited he was. "We nearly cleared half the trolley on our way back for you."

"Thank you!" he shouted and threw his arms around both Vega and Colin, who were sitting next to each other.

"You're welcome," they both chorused as they laughed at his zeal. Dennis turned to the box, and then back to Vega.

"You're the best sister ever!" he said as he hugged her again, a chocolate frog in his free hand. Vega looked up quickly and met the eyes of Helen and Henry, who both looked as stunned as she felt.

"Thanks, Denny," Vega said quietly as she hugged him tighter. She stroked his hair as she blinked back a few tears that threatened to spill.

"Alright! Moving on," Colin said loudly and Vega sniffed, laughing at how emotional she was getting.

"Sorry," she laughed and proceeded onward, giving a bundle wrapped in soft yellow paper to Henry and Helen. Helen took it in her grasp and tenderly removed the paper. Vega smiled at this. Helen was always so gentle with everyone and everything. She was the direct inverse of Vega's mother; sweet, mindful, kind. Something her mother simply never was. The contrast was honestly hard to accept at first, however, Vega got used to Helen's compassionate, loving nature.

"Oh, kids," Helen said delightedly, holding up the frame. It was a moving photograph of all the kids together. It was taken during the summer, but it still looked fairly recent. They were standing in the garden. Vega was holding Pavo in front of her, and Colin stood to her right. Dennis was in front of him, and he had his hand on Dennis's shoulder. The evening sun hit them just right, casting a glow on the smiling children.

"Do you like it?" Vega asked as she looked to Colin, a smile shared on both their faces. Tears gathered in Helen's eyes and Vega laughed as she and Colin got up, hugging their mother/ mother figure, respectively.

"Thank you!" she said as she and Henry looked at the photograph again, musing over the way the children moved.

They all opened a few more presents. When they finished, the kids stayed in the living room and played with their new presents as Helen and Henry started on breakfast. Vega stood in the doorway to the kitchen, leaning against the frame as she looked on.

"Don't!" Helen laughed as Henry chased her around the kitchen. "Henry!" she shrieked as he swiped pancake batter on her cheek. Vega smiled as Henry kissed Helen's forehead, handing her a towel to clean it off with.

"Need any help?" Vega asked. Helen smiled at her, wiping the batter of her cheek.

"Oh, Vega, honey, why don't you set the table?"

"Sure," Vega began to get the dishes into their respectful places on the table.

"Hey, Vega, is it time for our presents yet?" Colin said, grabbing the stack of plates from her and setting them out.

How about after breakfast?" she suggested, and felt the anticipation course through her. Colin nodded and they shared a smile.

Surprise! I bet y'all thought it would be like another year before you heard from me again (:

So some not so big but sort of big news!- I finally updated the cover! It's not as ugly now lmao. Also!! previously, Vega was going to be played by Elle Fanning, but like every HP fanfic has the main character played by Elle Fanning? I mean she is beautiful but nah we need some originality. So, Vega is played by the absolutely stunning Angourie Rice! I will have published the cast chapter as well by now so make sure to go check that out to see the likes of Vega, as well as other characters such as Octavia! (:

I love you all so much and could never thank you enough for the support on this story. As always-

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

Vain {Colin Creevey}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora