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"I'm going to miss you guys." Vega said, her eyes starting to water. "You're my best friends." Vega was sitting in a compartment next to Colin. Across from them were Ginny and Octavia.

Colin smiled. "I feel like this is a good time." he said, opening his bag. He pulled out a stack of things. Vega narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"What is that?" Colin passed out the things- pictures, it seemed.

"Oh my Gosh, it's us!" Octavia said, looking in awe. It was a picture of the four of them together. They were standing in front of the Gryffindor common room fire place, all smiling happily.

"When I get home, I'm going to frame this and hang it on my wall." Vega said. Colin handed her one more- her on Colin's back, both of them smiling happily. Vega squealed and threw her arms around Colin's neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome." Colin said back, hugging Vega. Ever since he had been un petrified, Vega had barely let him out of her sight. How could she? The last time she did, he got petrified. She would not let anything happen to him again. She swore on it. She remembered what had happened the day after.

"Colin?" Vega said, poking his side.


"I promise I will always protect you." Vega said, utterly sincere.

"And I promise i will always protect you." Colin swore back.

"We're here! We're home!"

Vega excitedly looked out the window. Platform 9 3/4 looked back at her. She searched the crowd excitedly.

"We can all meet each other's parents!" Ginny said.



Uh, duh!"

The four best friends stepped off the train into the thronging crowd. They all held hands and stood together. Each looked around.

"Vega!" Vega looked, hoping to see her mother. Fleur's smiling face looked down at her and she gasped. Fleur was even better than her mother!

"Fleur!" Vega squealed. She let go of her friend's hands and wrapped her arms around her older cousin.

"Darling, I missed you so much! How was your year?" Fleur asked, holding her younger cousin tightly.

"It was great! Fleur, these are my best friends- Colin, Octavia, and Ginny!" Fleur smiled down at all of them.

"How do you do?" she said politely.

"Ginevra!" Everyone looked toward the voice. A large, redheaded woman was waving. There was several redheaded children around her.

"Mum!" Ginny said excitedly. Vega knew that she must be Molly Weasley. Molly barrelled towards the group. "Mum, this is Vega, Octavia, and Colin!" they all received warm hugs from Molly. Vega's mother had never hugged her like that.

"Colin! Colin!" Colin looked up and saw a little boy running toward him.

"Denni!" Dennis Creevey ran towards Colin and crashed into him. "Hey, Denni! I missed you! These are my friends, Vega, Octavia, and Ginny!"

"Vega!" Dennis wrapped her in a tight hug and Vega giggled.

"Hi, Dennis!" Vega said, wrapping her arms around his small body.

"Octavia!" someone called. Everyone in their group turned to look as a man ran towards them with tears in his eyes.

"DADDY!" Octavia yelled and ran for him. He picked her up and wrapped her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he spun her around. He started talking in some weird language and she responded back in the same tongue.

"Mi sei mancato così, mio piccolo caterpillar." he said. Vega exchanged glances with Colin and Ginny. Octavia didn't talk about her father much...

"Mi mancavi troppo, padre! Non si creda l'anno che ho avuto! Ho intenzione di essere casa per un'intera estate ora! Ti piacerebbe incontrare i miei amici?" Octavia said back fluently. Her father nodded and she turned to the group. "Guys, this is my father, Giovanni . He only speaks Italian, but our neighbour taught me English. He will like you all." she turned back to him. "Padre, questi sono i miei amici. Ginny, Colin e Vega. Mi hanno accolto quando tutti gli altri mi ha respinto. Spero che li troverete affascinante come io." Goivanni smiled at the three. He nodded his head, as if saying hello.

"Via? Why didn't you just tell us?" Vega asked, laughing. It was a little funny that her father spoke only Italian.

"Vega, it is time for us to go." Fleur said, smiling apologetically. Vega sighed.

"Octavia, dobbiamo andare. Arrivederci!" Giovanni said.

"We can all meet?" Ginny asked hesitantly.

"Yes, yes. I will make sure of it." Colin's father spoke up. "You can all see each other at our house. We would love to have you all over, if it is okay with everyone's parents."

"How would you all like to go to lunch today?" Fleur asked, beaming down at Vega. "As a celebration of friendship."

And so, Vega, Fleur, Octavia, Giovanni, Colin, Dennis, Mr. Creevey, Ginny, Molly, Arthur, Ron, George, and Fred found themselves in a local restaurant, clearly enjoying each other's company. As they all said their goodbyes, Vega felt sad. Sad what she was going home to. Sad that she wouldn't have her friends anymore.

"And just where have you been?!" Vega's mother demanded. Vega rolled her eyes.

"Relax, Mother." Vega said exasperatedly. "I was out with my friends. Because I actually have friends, not just people who like how Veela I am. My whole year was great, thank you for asking. Come on, Fleur."

It was going to be a long summer.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! Next one will be a surpriseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;). I love you all so so much and thank you for all the reads this book is getting! It's incredible that we're almost at 700! You guys are just amazing! I love you I love you I love you! (: I will put the English versions of Giovanni and Octavia's conversation later, okay?

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

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