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Vega was slightly nervous as she stood at the entrance to Professor Dumbledore's office. She studied the gargoyle as she waited for Madame Pomfrey. It was pretty ugly.

"Very well then, shall we go?" Vega jumped at how sudden Madame Pomfrey had appeared next to her and smiled nervously.

"I suppose," Vega replied and gulped. They began going up the stairs after the gargoyle jumped. Madame Pomfrey knocked on the door loudly and Vega was amazed at how bold she was.

"Come in," came Professor Dumbledore's deep voice. Madame Pomfrey pushed open the heavy door and gestured Vega to walk in first. "Poppy. Miss Delacour. What brings you both to my office?" Madame Pomfrey walked right up to his chair and took a seat on the other side of his desk.

"Well, things have been awfully crowded and rushed lately in the hospital wing, and this young lady has presented some undeniable talent in the medical field. I could really use some help, like an apprentice." Madame Pomfrey stated matter-of-factly. How could she talk to Dumbledore so informally? Vega was scared to look at him the wrong way.

"I see," Dumbledore began. "Miss Delacour, how do you feel about this inquiry?"

"Oh, uh, well I would really love to. It would be amazing. I've never really thought about what I want to do when I graduate, but now I think I'd like to go in the medical field. I think having this opportunity would give me great experience."

"Well then it's settled. You will be under Madame Pomfrey's instruction, but you must finish all your homework daily before you start your work. Should your studies fall, your apprenticeship will be terminated. Enjoy, Vega."

"Wait, you're serious?" Vega jumped up in excitement and squealed, dancing around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you, Professor!" Vega danced away from his office happily, feeling warm from her head to her toes. This was it. This is what she had been looking for her whole time at Hogwarts. This was what she had been looking for her whole life. Vega didn't want to be known for being a Veela. She wanted to be known for something else. Something bigger and better. Something she could be proud of.

Something like this.

Vega returned to the Gryffindor Common Room, nearly floating. There were some students milling about, but not many. Colin stood up from the couch where he had been working on assignments as he saw the bubbly blonde enter the room.

"So?" The mousy boy asked, his eyebrows raised with an expecting smile on his face. Vega smiled.

"Professor Dumbledore said yes!" the words tumbled out of Vega's mouth before she could stop them and Colin rushed over, crushing Vega in a big hug. A squeal escaped the girl's mouth happily as Colin twirled them around.

"Colin, put me down!" Vega squealed. Her sneakered shoes hit the floor of the common room, but Colin's arms were still tight around her.

"Vega, this is great," Colin said softly. Vega rested her head on his shoulder in content.

The two young children parted ways an hour later, with promises to see each other bright and early the next day.

The next day, bright and early as promised, Vega and Colin walked to breakfast together, chattering happily.

Halfway through her hot cereal, a hand clasped heavily on Vega's shoulder. She jumped and looked up in surprise. "P-professor McGonagall?"

"I think it's best if you came with me," she said with a tone in her voice Vega couldn't quite place. Pity?

"What's wrong?" Vega asked. Professor Mcgonagall began to walk away and Vega got up. Colin got up too and they followed McGonagall to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"What are we doing here?" Colin whispered. Vega shrugged, her heart racing.

McGonagall didn't even knock. She swung the door open. Professor Dumbledore looked like he was expecting them.

"Mr. Creevey, I don't think you should be here," Dumbledore started.

"He's fine," Vega said a bit harshly. "Sorry, stress makes me cranky."

"Miss Delacour, please sit down," Dumbledore said. Vega sat down. Colin remained standing, his hands on the back of Vega's chair. "I, well," Dumbledore hesitated.

"Vega, your mother has passed away," Professor McGonagall said slowly. "We are very sorry and understand if you need a minute."

Passed away? What did that mean? Vega felt her face grow hot as she stood up abruptly.

"How did she die?" She asked harshly.

"It seems she attempted a dangerous spell on herself in order to obtain beauty and it backfired, causing her death."

"Of course she did. Of course she did!" Vega shouted, heated tears rushing down her cheeks. "All she ever thought about was herself!" Colin wrapped his arms around the girl's trembling body.

"Hey, it's okay," he said softly, holding the poor girl in his arms.

"Your aunt Appoline will arrive here soon to discuss means of you and your little sister," Dumbledore said. Vega's head shot up.

"How do you know about Pavo?" Vega's voice cracked. Dumbledore simply smiled sadly.

Vega was brought to an unused room with a couch and some dusty bookshelves while she waited for her aunt Appoline. Colin sat next to her as she cried softly. A million thoughts raced through her head.

"Colin, what's going to happen to me and Pavo?" Vega asked. Colin smoothed her hair down awkwardly.

"I don't know," he answered after a pause. Even though his words were not very assuring, they brought comfort.

"I don't want to go with Aunt Appoline. I want to go with you, Colin. Please, I don't want to!" Vega grew hysterical, the emotional weight pressing down on her beginning to make her break.

"Hey, Vega, hey, it's okay," Colin tried (a bit franticallly) to soothe her.

The door suddenly opened and in walked a beautiful woman. Her white blonde hair shone as she elegantly strode over to Vega. Two very similar looking girls followed behind her, concern etched on all of their faces.

Colin wondered if, and sort of figured, that Vega's aunt would be like her mother. No love, only arrogant pride. He was surprised, though, when the beautiful woman gathered Vega in a hug. The two girls sat on either side, reaching their arms around to run their hands down her back in perfect sync. Colin recognized one of the girls from King's Cross after first year. Vega has told him about her older cousin Fleur. She was kind and caring, and she understood about how Vega's mother was.

"Its all right, Vega. We're here."

Hey huge plot twist lol
I feel like this will be really good for the story and developing Vega's character, and don't act like we didn't all hate her. Some majorrrrr things coming up and I don't have my keyboard fixed yet, I typed this all out on my phone(which I hate)!

As always

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

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