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A few days later, Vega made her way down to breakfast just thinking. She accidentally bumped into someone and was sent sprawling into the floor. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Vega said, getting up. A boy with bleach blond hair got up off the floor, sputtering angrily.

"You filthy Mudblood. Stay out of my way." he said, not looking at her face. Vega narrowed her eyes.

"Pardon?" she asked, making her voice a few pitches higher. He looked up at her and his face softened.

"I'm sorry, beautiful-" Vega cut him off.

"Sorry, I have to go!" she said, smiling and getting up. Her hips swayed as she walked away, knowing exactly what she was doing to him. Now, she would have him under her control.

Vega took a seat next to Colin and flashed him a smile. "Morning."

"Good morning." Colin said, looking at some undeveloped film. Vega peeked over his shoulder. Colin pointed to a square that was kind of blurry, but she could make out a figure sitting on the ground. "That one is you." he turned his head and smiled at Vega. Vega smiled back.

"Who's that?" she asked, pointing to a picture of another figure.

"Harry Potter!" Colin squealed excitedly. Vega rolled her eyes.

"Of course." she mumbled.

"What?" Colin asked. Vega huffed.

"I said, 'of course.' You're always taking pictures of Harry Potter." Colin frowned, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"B-but, I thought, I thought you liked m-my photography." Colin stuttered.

"Well you thought wrong." Vega snapped, turning her head away and grabbing a donut from a platter. She heard shuffling and turned to see Colin getting up, about to leave.

"Colin? Where are you going?" she asked. Colin looked at her and shook his head, walking out of the Great Hall. Vega sighed, putting her head in her hands.

"Hey, have you heard about Professor Lockhart's Dueling Club?" Hermione Granger asked. Vega looked up and then cursed herself for her idiocy. Hermione Granger was not talking to her, but Harry Potter. Why would she talk to her? Half of the girls in Hogwarts hated her already because of her being part Veela. It's not like it was her fault. She would gladly give up her Veela traits in a second.


Vega was walking along a corridor when she heard a commotion. Turning the corner, she saw a sickening sight. Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, was hanging by her tail on a pole. On the wall behind her, in what was written in what Vega would assume was blood, were the words 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware!' She backed up, away from the gory sight. She backed right into someone and turned. Octavia was standing there and she wordlessly grabbed Vega's hand, gripping it tightly in her own.

Draco Malfoy pushed himself to the front of the gathering crowd. "Enemies of the Heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!" Vega took a step back, startled once again. His eyes seemed aglow and Vega was terrified. She turned and saw Madame Pomfrey put her hands to her mouth in shock.

"All students, back to their common rooms!" Dumbledore ordered. "Teachers, follow me." All the teachers followed Dumbledore and the prefects led the students back to their common rooms.

Vega sat on her bed, back in her dorm room. Octavia looked at her from her bed, where she was perched on the side.

"I, uh-" Via stuttered. Vega nodded in agreement. They sat like that for hours until finally, Octavia broke. She held her arms out and Vega ran from her bed, crawling into Octavia's bed. They laid down side by side and stared at the ceiling until they fell asleep.


"Brr." Vega shivered, rubbing her gloves together. She jumped out of her seat as the bludger almost hit Harry. The Quidditch game was not going too well. The bludger seemed to have it out for Harry and had chased him everywhere as he tried to get the snitch.

"HE CAUGHT IT!" Octavia screamed in Vega's ear to be heard over the roaring of the Gryffindors. Vega watched as he caught the snitch and then the bludger came at him and hit his arm. Vega stood up.

"Harry!" Ginny screamed beside them. The three rushed down to the very edge of the Quidditch pitch and watched as Professor Lockhart attempted to heal Harry's arm. Vega stifled a scream as Harry's arm turned into a noodle and it seemed as if all the bones were just... gone.

"That is so disgusting!" Octavia whispered as Harry was taken to the Hospital Wing. Vega saw Colin flashing pictures and shook her head.

She did not miss him.

The next day, Vega was in the common room reading a book. She heard the portrait door open and glanced up to see Colin. He came in front of the sofa and she saw a flash out of the corner of her eyes.

"Colin! Stop it!" she snapped.

"Why?" he responded angrily. "I can take pictures of whatever I want to! You should not be angry with me for any reason!"

"Stop, Colin! You're so annoying! I simply cannot stand it when you take pictures of Harry Potter! Get over it!"

Colin opened his mouth and shut it again before speaking. "I cannot believe you! You are being ridiculous, Vega! I thought that you liked my photography! You always thought it was so cool and now you just don't?"

"Apparently not." Vega snapped, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"I thought we were friends, Vega." Colin said, his voice cracking. Vega's heart sunk.

"Colin..." Colin left the common room and Vega buried her head in her hands. Whenever people got close, she always pushed them away. That was how it went and she hated it, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop it.


Vega decided to take a walk. She wanted to clear her head. She turned corner after corner after corner.

She turned another corner and let out a blood curdling scream.

"COLIN!" She screamed, dropping to her knees. He was not dead, she knew that much, but he was completely still. His body was cold to the touch and he seemed frozen, as Mrs. Norris had been. Her mind wrapped around the one word she could make sense of.

"Petrified." she whispered, reaching a shaking hand to his arm.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Vega screamed frantically. "HELP ME!" This was all her fault. If they had not quarreled, he would not be like this. He would not have been alone and she could have stopped it.

People came and she mindlessly followed, staring into the terrified face of her best friend. He was taken to the hospital wing and placed on a bed. She pulled up a chair and sat next to it.

"I am so sorry." she started, tears filling her eyes. "I should have been there for you. This is all my fault... I am so so sorry. If it was not for me, you wouldn't have been in this situation. This would not have happened to you. You mean so much to me, Colin. You are my best friend. I did not mean to be bitter about Harry Potter, it's just that you were so occupied with him that I felt like you never had enough time for your friends. Remember the other day, when we were all outside? We were about to go in, but you sat down next to me under that tree and you leaned your head on my shoulder and we talked for twenty more minutes. You are so caring and understanding. You understood when I talked about my mom and you listened and you did not interrupt and you paid attention to every word I said... that is friendship. I do not know if you are ever going to get out of this, but if you do, I am going to tell you all this. I am going to tell you all about how much I care about you and how much you mean to me and I will not ever get angry with you about your photography and I will lot take you for granted. I promise." Vega stood up and gave a nod to Madame Pomfrey, then left. She leaned against the wall next to the door and took a deep breath, and then tears coursed down her cheeks. She slid down the wall and cried.


Heyo, it's me! So sorry for the long wait, I lost inspiration but I found it again and I got back on track and here you go! (:

Have a wonderful day!
Love, Hannah <3

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