Expectation VS Reality of Each Sign

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Aries: Stuck up / Actually down to Earth

Taurus: Trustworthy / Actually has tons of blackmail willing to use against you hahaha (HEY!... Okay maybe)

Gemini: Shy in class / Actually one of the loudest and most fun you will ever meet

Cancer: Bitch / Actually is really sweet and will cook for you

Leo: Conceited and Popular / Actually insecure and hates most people

Virgo: Overly critical of others / Actually has no intention of hurting people and is just really honest

Libra: Happiest person you will meet / Actually is really sad :( (Libras do you need a hug 😢 *Hugs*)

Scorpio: Really cool / Actually still cool but a little awkward

Sagittarius: Unsympathetic / Actually cares a WHOLE LOT although they may not show it

Capricorn: Way too serious / Actually is super crazy once you get to know them

Aquarius: Difficult at maintaining friendships / Actually the other person's fault for the end of the relationship

Pisces: Super shy and sweet / Actually will fucking turn into an ape (Harambe?! nah jk)


I'm going to say what might be true (from my experience)

I think the Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn are true (For some people)

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