After Being Told They'll Never Be Good Enough

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The Signs After Being Told That They'll Never Be Good Enough

Aries: Is very upset, will complain to their friends and make it so that everyone they know hates the person

Taurus: Will work harder but try not to be too affected by the words because 'It doesn't matter what they think.' (Yea!)

Gemini: They'd wonder what they did to make the person hate them so much, try to subtly ruin the person's reputation while looking amazing the entire time

Cancer: They'd try to come up with a good comeback and be hurt, wonder why the person thinks that of them

Leo: They'd roast the person and walk away confidently while planning to trash their reputation and dignity

Virgo: Feels bad about themselves, will work 10x harder from then on

Libra: Will flaunt all of their good aspects in the other's face in the future

Scorpio: Will scare the other with their anger and roast them, but then calmly walk away as if nothing had happened, '...because that person means nothing and has no control over me'

Sagittarius: Will tell themselves that the other person is only trying to make up for their insufficiency and will try to let it go, but will make sure that they succeed more than the other person

Capricorn: Will make sure that they're better than the other person all the time, and then smirk at them instead of saying anything, let their success do the talking instead

Aquarius: Will look down at the other person and act like they're better, somehow managing make the other person feel pathetic from just that one look, roast them a bit, but not so much that they seem truly affected

Pisces: Ignores the other person and tries not to let it bother them, because 'They don't know what they're talking about.'

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