🌚Moon In....🌛

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MOON IN...🌜🌛

Moon in Aries: Wild and instinctual nature, imaginary delirium, "the soul on fire".

Moon in Taurus: Uncomplicated sensitivity, desire for simplicity, pacifistic soul and steady feelings.

Moon in Gemini: Inconsistent tendencies, versatility, self-expression, playful and erratic nature.

Moon in Cancer: Receptive nature, attachment to the familiar and comfortable, and a poetic soul.

Moon in Leo: Ardent and generous nature, radiant sensitivity, and creative vibes.

Moon in Virgo: Subtle fragility, guarded sensitivity, discrete nature, and self-doubt issues.

Moon in Libra: Refined nature, easily tempted, remarkable kindness, and an artistic persona.

Moon in Scorpio: Psychic sensitivity, obsessive tendencies and a secretive, stoic nature.

Moon in Sagittarius: Vivid imagination, a "push to the great and distant", and a wandering nature.

Moon in Capricorn: Fierce ambitions, developed sense of self-respect, and reluctant sensitivity.

Moon in Aquarius: A zealous ideologue, irreverently passionate nature, and emotional dissociation.

Moon in Pisces: The epitome of sensitivity, impressionable nature, and humanitarian aspirations.

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