Types Of Days

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The Zodiac Signs as Types of Days

Aries: Hot, Summer afternoons filled with water fights and popsicle sticks

Taurus: The day when you see the first flower bloom and think that Spring's finally here

Gemini: The morning on the first day of school, where leaves are falling and the air is electric

Cancer: Late Autumn days, when most of the leaves are on the ground and everyone is content

Leo: The first few days of spring or Summer, when everything is fresh and everyone is relaxed

Virgo: 5 o'clock in the morning, in Summer- it's earlier than you usually wake up but everything seems so peaceful and you kind of want to go outside

Libra: Bright, warm, breezy Spring days where trees are flowering and fruit are growing

Scorpio: The dead of the night in Summer or Winter, when everything is deathly silent and you can hardly breath

Sagittarius: Summer evenings, when the crickets are chirping outside and you feel tired

Capricorn: 7 o'clock pm in Winter, when you look outside and realize that it's so much darker than you expected at this time

Aquarius: In March, when leftover snow is on the sides of the streets still and wind is chilly, but the birds are back and you can feel the slightest bit of sun on your neck

Pisces: Snowy days that make you want to stare at the sky forever

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