The Death of the Moon Signs Is the day that....

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The Death of the Moon Signs

Is the day that....

Aries Moon: You have to retain yourself and you've lost full reign over your life. Instead of being taken seriously, you're ignored like a whining child. No one gives you the time of day, and no one can enjoy the spontaneous love your Aries Moon creates when you forge down these dangerous and exciting new paths.

Taurus Moon: Boundaries are pushed and suddenly you have to sacrifice something. Even your comfort foods can't lift you're moods because all this turbulence has you exhausted. Home is nowhere to be found, and without familiarity Taurus Moon is stumbling blindly in the dark.

Gemini Moon: You can't get your point across and everyone you talk to is a brick wall. Nothing you say bounces back or even sticks, leading to a complete writers block on your feelings. Your wordsmith Gemini Moon is left at a loss for words, and all processing power is too fried to try to even think of feeling.

Cancer Moon: The tides around you have swelled to the bursting point, and no body is relenting. You're sure you have enough on your plate already, but you're still dragged in the middle. Now your Cancer Moon is compelled to shape entire oceans of the emotions around you, leaving you a little seasick of life.

Leo Moon: Everyone is whizzing by too quickly to notice the love around them, that burning passion you too can share. You're screaming into an empty sky with howling winds that threaten your sacred flame. You no longer know yourself, and even that Leo Moon has forgotten its own light when it's so cloudy out.

Virgo Moon: You can't do anything right. You've never felt more clumsy, and that's never made you feel more useless. You can't keep up damage control for anything. Your Virgo Moon is playing that same old broken record, chanting that your feelings mean nothing if you can't take care of them too.

Libra Moon: You are abandoned, all by your lonesome, in a cold, unfamiliar place. There's no one to understand where you're coming from and no way to get where you want to go. The mirror of your Libra Moon has cracked the contrast between you and others, fragmented your compassion into a kaleidoscope of isolation.

Scorpio Moon: You were right- someone wasn't worthy of your heavy love and you have to uproot your entire being once again. You can feel your walls being reinforced after all that hard work to break them down. Your venom is purged on offenders, stripping them to the bone, and your Scorpio Moon has begun yet another one of its viciously consuming rebirths.

Sagittarius Moon: Complete stagnation has taken hold. Your passions are capped by the monotonous responsibilities of the "real" world. All you want to do is run away to the woods for some fresh air for a few days; your Sag Moon needs to get the hell out of here and see what the world has to offer them.

Capricorn Moon: Your goal is miles away and your muscles are starting to give out. The climb ahead is practically 90 degrees and you still can't see the top. It could be inches taller, miles even. Regardless, all you know is that you have to surmount this. The pressure your Cap Moon exerts is most taxing on the you who owns it.

Aquarius Moon: Reality has eaten your eccentricity. Everything that was so luminous before have somehow dulled their glow and the suddenly the darkness of space is swallowing you whole. That Aqua Moon of yours has boxed up everyone and everything it knows and you're lost in the labyrinth of the storage unit in your heart.

Pisces Moon: Your sorrows have never seem heavier and a single blow brings you crashing down. The oblong tower you had enshrined to your feelings became too weathered and can't maintain. Now the blissful wave your Pisces Moon has been cruising on has come crashing to the shore

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