Summary Of The 12 Houses

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Summary Of The 12 Houses

1st House - Aries

The Ascendant. Your projected behavior, temperament, health, how you react to those around you, and your appearance.

2nd House - Taurus

Your material side. Security, gains, losses, financial condition, and your concern about these matters.

3rd House - Gemini

Your mental aptitudes, early childhood, everyday communication, your siblings, and early education.

4th House - Cancer

Domestic affairs and conditions, the nurturing parent, the home, and the family life. The end of life.

5th House - Leo

Love affairs, procreation, your children, creative expression, luck and speculation.

6th House - Virgo

The work environment, the employer and employees, the routine, health issues, hygiene.

7th House - Libra

Marriage partner, business partners, contracts, joint endeavors.

8th House - Scorpio

Attitude toward life/death, possessions of others, wills and legacies; sex and regeneration.

9th House - Sagittarius

Religion, philosophy, publishing, higher learning, distant travel, foreign countries.

10th House - Capricorn

Reputation, social status, fame or the lack of it, Worldly standing, the other parent.

11th House - Aquarius

Friends, clubs, organizations, associations, goals, hopes, and wishes.

12th House - Pisces

The subconscious mind, hidden resources, hidden problems, social responsibility.

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