As Love Clichés

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The Zodiac Signs as Love Clichés

Aries: Asking them out for the first time

Taurus: Looking at them and thinking of home (Never fallen in love before... it's sad)

Gemini: Caring about their hobbies almost as much as yours, even though you know nothing about them and you've never really cared before

Cancer: Passing notes to each other in class, seeing something in a store and thinking of them

Leo: Smiling simply because you see them smile

Virgo: Looking at them and thinking that you'd marry them if you could

Libra: Breaking all your rules for them

Scorpio: Thinking that you'd die for the person

Sagittarius: Your heart racing so fast that you can't even breathe properly; seeing them once and losing the ability to breathe at all

Capricorn: Being willing to let them hear an embarrassing story about you, because it makes them laugh and maybe their joy is worth a bit more than your dignity

Aquarius: Looking at them and wondering if this is what love feels like

Pisces: Sitting in class, daydreaming about your relationship

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