Responses To Making A Crucial Mistake

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The Signs' Responses to Making a Crucial Mistake

Aries: An Aries will always take full responsibility for their blunder, and will be the first to say so. However, they'll be mad if anyone else brings it up.

Taurus: A Taurus will try to prove their worth by making sure everyone knows about the other good things they did. They'll try to make sure that people know that they've contributed and that this mistake doesn't define their work ethic.

Gemini: A Gemini will ask others for advice on how to fix the problem and make everyone forgive them.

Cancer: A Cancer will admit their mistake and try to 'make it up' to everyone else.

Leo: A Leo will want people to reassure them that it wasn't that big of a deal, that the mistake wasn't their fault and that it will be okay.

Virgo: A Virgo will apologize a lot and feel guilty. They'll feel like a failure, basically.

Libra: A Libra will be devastated and will probably want to punish themselves somehow.

Scorpio: A Scorpio won't seem too affected on the outside, but they're probably berating themselves on the inside, and they'll grow livid if you even hint that they don't care.

Sagittarius: A Sagittarius will quickly be annoyed if people keep on complaining about them. They will hold themselves accountable, it's just that they want to focus on a solution instead of spending forever thinking about who caused the problem.

Capricorn: A Capricorn will throw themselves into their work, trying to find a way around the mistake.

Aquarius: An Aquarius will try to come up with a creative way to solve the problem. The mistake will be like an obstacle to them, and they won't want to think about why it was their fault or what they did wrong.

Pisces: A Pisces will try to come up with ways to continue on the same path despite the mistake, even if there are none. They may also try to think of excuses. They'll also think of what they could have done better, almost to the point of obsession.

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