At A Dinner Party

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Signs at a dinner party

Aries: Arrived an hour early, brought four bottles of wine, and was cooking half the meal before you realized it

Taurus: Found on the couch eating apps and showing someone they just met pictures of their pets

Gemini: Has talked to everyone within 15 minutes of their arrival, knows more about everyone than the host by the end of the night

Cancer: The quietest one at dinner, but compliments the host's home, the food, etc, every time they see them

Leo: Sits in the center of the table and is overdressed for the occasion but doesn't care

Virgo: Trying to not get too drunk but also get drunk enough to continue to socialize until it's acceptable to leave

Libra: Is the last one to leave because they fell asleep in the guest room after dessert

Scorpio: Looks through the host's medicine cabinet, wondering what they could take that wouldn't mix poorly with wine so they can continue to endure the party

Sagittarius: Arrived drunk barely in time for dessert, brought four friends and hired a stripper

Capricorn: Wine drunk on Aries' wine, forgetting to eat yet telling everyone how delicious the food is

Aquarius: Takes photos with everyone, is on their phone under the table yet listening to everything everyone says

Pisces: Trying not to cry every time they look around and are overwhelmed by everyone having a great time, gets up from the table any time anyone needs anything

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