At Parties

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The Signs At Parties

Aries: didn't want to come but ends up having more fun than the friends who dragged them along

Taurus: they've known you two years?? they love you!! they've known you two minutes?? they love you, too!! so much love!! all completely irrelevant to the amount of alcohol they've ingested

Gemini: insists they're not going to make out with anyone this time, ends up making out with four different people in the space of an hour

Cancer: very chill and quiet but having a good time, generally. they may or may not doze off at like 9:30pm

Leo: the rarest cryptids. they're either there all night but you only glimpse them twice, or they turn up, smoke in the garden for five minutes and then disappear before you have time to greet them properly

Virgo: generally responsible, but there's still a 40-60% chance the alcohol will bring out some Repressed Rage and they'll get into an argument with someone. they'll regret it sorely in the morning

Libra: they arrive looking absolutely immaculate and somehow continue to look immaculate all evening. they'll probably either leave early or only socialise with the same Chosen Person all night

Scorpio: just happy to be here. stays out of any #drama but watches it all like a hawk. ends up with the Longest Snapchat story anybody's ever sat through

Sagittarius: tries to look after all the crying / vomiting / fighting people, is a little too drunk themselves to be as useful as they think they are

Capricorn: affectionate af. probably a fucking lightweight as well. is the most likely to spill their feelings to or make out with someone they have feelings for & then use the alcohol as an excuse

Aquarius: asks everyone a lot of questions and makes lots of new friends. you might think they're genuinely interested in you and maybe they are to a certain extent but they're probably just nosy really

Pisces: alternates between having a really great time and having a really terrible time on a half-hourly basis. will be a drunken mess at midnight and fully recovered come twelve thirty. you just can't keep up


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