As Cats

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The Signs As Cats

Aries: The cat that grooms itself for hours

Taurus: The cat that meows when their food bowl is half empty or there is something floating in their water bowl (Sounds About Right 😂)

Gemini: The cat that runs around crazily in the night like a demon

Cancer: The cat that follows you around meowing for attention (I want this kind of cat... any volunteers?)

Leo: The cat that refuses to eat dry food

Virgo: The cat that licks you affectionately

Libra: The cat that really likes the shower/bathtub

Scorpio: The cat that must thoroughly explore each new box, bag or item set on the floor

Sagittarius: The cat that locks eyes with you as they knock something on a table over (Omg 😂)

Capricorn: The cat that you constantly catch giving you a hard side eye

Aquarius: The cat that eats your plants

Pisces: The cat that sleeps on their back in the sun, and gets up to move as the light shifts

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