Introverted VS. Extroverted

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the signs introverted vs. extroverted


introverted: shy but bubbly and really nice, likes to spend a lot of time with those they know and love, doesn't like to leave the house too much, might be lazy

extroverted: loud, might seem rude, but really they're just honest, isn't afraid to speak up for themselves or those they love, alway doing something, loves adventures


introverted: very reserved, will want to you to do the first step, generally just doesn't like meeting new people and likes to spend time indoors, most likely a music lover (Why is this an EXACT definition of me 😂)

extroverted: optimistic fluff balls, friends with EVERYONE, emotional but positive thinkers, love to go out a lot, especially near nature (This is also basically me, except for the going outside thing and the friends with everyone)


introverted: might seem kind of distant, doesn't like to talk about their emotions even when they're sad, emotional, but really good with children

extroverted: very intelligent and quick thinking, comes up with the best ideas and solutions to problems, talks to many people and has a lot of friends, likes to be busy, work on something


introverted: shy, but smiles quite a lot, still able to make friends easily, but uses earbuds a lot and likes to have someone they know around them most of the time

extroverted: liked by everyone, makes people laugh, likes to spend time with children (and children love them), natural story teller


introverted: resting bitch face, actually cares a lot though, might not have problems with going outside or anything but doesn't talk to many people

extroverted: talks to pretty much ANYONE, big and kind heart, buys gifts for friends, does the best sleepovers/ parties


introverted: doesn't like to go outside too often, probably looks like they don't even want to talk to you, actually cares though, seems busy, always working on something, perfectionist

extroverted: kind of weird, talks a lot, but often it's also about some serious topics, curious person and likes to learn, judgemental, but can appreceate things as well


introverted: thinks a lot, home oriented, sensitive, will be nice to you even if they don't like you, super shy, usually good at playing musical instrument

extroverted: fearless (except spiders), isn't afraid to do pretty much anything, nothing can stop them, likes to flirt, probably really popular among their friends, kind to everyone


introverted: talkative, uses sarcasm or has offensive sense of humour, really confident in themselves, isn't afraid to speak up, actually very intelligent most of the time

extroverted: reserved, quiet, looks tough, actually cares a lot, might complain often, home and family oriented, sometimes tends to overthink


introverted: looks serious and professional, hardworking person, cares a lot about their appereance and the way they show themselves, nervous easily

extroverted: very competitive, loud, they're 'everywhere', looks confident, is confident, being in love with them is one huge adventure


introverted: the very definition of socially awkward, really doesn't talk much, usually passionate about something and they spend a lot of time doing it, the biggest ovethinkers you'll ever meet

extroverted: might look mean or selfish, but they're literally the funniest people ever, pays for food, loves to go to parties, cares about their appereance a lot


introverted: most likely good at math, really doesn't talk much, doesn't like to leave the house too much, has their own world, might tend to  be a bit naive, confused 25/8

extroverted: one of the most talkative people you'll ever meet, super curious, likes to go on adventures and hang out with their friends a lot, kind of nerds, but really sweet


introverted: people still love them, looks tough but is very emotional and sensitive, hardworking, 98% of the time, they have something with themselves that reminds them of home

extroverted: leader material, likes to be the center of the attention, amazing acting skills, makes friends easily, smiles a lot

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