How To Tell If They Like You

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How To Tell If The Sign Likes You

Aries: How DON'T you know is the real question

Taurus: Tries acting normal around you and fails miserably

Gemini: Becomes Your BFF

Cancer: Awkward and semi-tongue-tied

Leo: Compliments you like way to much

Virgo: Nicer to you than most people

Libra: Makes you laugh or be impressed

Scorpio: Wants a lot to do with you

Sagittarius: Hangs out with you more (Very hard to tell if they like you tho so be beware)

Capricorn: They're shy, but if you like them back they won't shut up

Aquarius: They prefer your company over others

Pisces: Bad Flirting


Me (Taurus): Omg there he is

(A guys walks passed me)

Me: Okay (Name) you could do this

(I walks up to him)


(I tripped on my face)


(Leo): Hey Girl, You have beautiful eyes

Girl: Aww thanks

(Leo): You don't have to thank me, seeing your beauty is enough

Girl: Aww

(Leo): I love your bedroom

Girl: But I've never invite you to my roo-


(Girl has ran away)

(Leo): *Sighs* Always happen


Pisces: Hey are you Wifi?

Person: Uhh No I-

Pisces: Because I feel a connection


Pisces: Can I take a picture of you?

Person: Why-

Pisces: So I can show Santa what I want for Christmas

Person:... That is so cheesy if it were a pizza it would be an extra cheese pizza

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