Cute Things Signs Do

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Cute Things The Signs Do

Aries: say "don't worry, I got this" while carrying 50 pounds of groceries and someone offers to help

Taurus: sleeps with at least one stuffed animal, four pillows, and two blankets (*Looks around the room* Are they stalking me?)

Gemini: gets really excited over puzzles/ loves rubix cubes and chess, nerds

Cancer: bakes cookies and feeds everyone, makes sure u never go hungry

Leo: gets really excited about random little things and yells at u until u at least pretend to be excited too

Virgo: makes little adjustments/straightens a crooked picture frame or arranges the flowers in a vase until they look "just right"

Libra: always smiling and humming, smiles at animals, birds, strangers, everyone to spread a lil love

Scorpio: stares at u but looks away just as u catch them, gets cute/needy when ur alone together and super shy/distant around other ppl

Sagittarius: laughs at everything, quick to make u mad but just as quick to awkwardly apologize, demonstrates affection via violent punching

Capricorn: makes savage comments with a straight face, acts like they don't have a sense of humor tho they're secretly masters of comedy

Aquarius: science nerd, loves facts about space/biology/whatever, probably thinks physics is "exciting"

Pisces: can't watch someone crying without crying too, feels really bad for homeless people and the live lobsters at the grocery store

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