Orion, Jake and Juno

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"It's not a secret at all. I know who you are... So it'll only seem fair if you knew who I am" Scorpius muttered.

"What do you mean by that?" Albus asked, Janna preferred to keep quiet.

"You're Albus Potter, she's Julianna Black and that's Rose Granger-Weasley. And I am Scorpius Malfoy" Scorpius then broke eye contact to look at the floor "my parents are Astoria and Draco Malfoy. Our parents...They just don't mix"

"That's putting it mildly!" Rose exclaimed "Your parents are Death Eaters!"

"My parents were Death Eaters" Janna muttered, remembering the file which she wished she took with her, Rose death glared Janna again.

"My mum wasn't a Death Eater" Scorpius said lowly.

"Yeah, but you're a Malfoy!" Rose shrieked "You—"

"Rose stop, you're just going to embarrass yourself" Janna called out to Rose who glared at Janna before moving to the cabin door.

"Well, fine then, we should sit somewhere else. Come on, you two!" Rose ordered as she opened the door. But Janna and Albus stayed grounded "Albus, Janna. I not waiting"

"Well go then, we're staying here!" Albus said quickly, Rose glanced at Janna who looked away.

"Fine!" Rose then slammed the door and marched off.

"She's fierce" Scorpius said before Janna then let Albus have his space by scooting up to the empty space Rose left.

"Yeah, sorry" Albus said softly, Janna then saw three boys collect at the window of the cabin before opening it and flooding in with their trunks.

"Ooh, look who it is, a Malfoy, the one and only, Black and another Potter" Said a tall boy who had ice blue eyes and light mousy brown hair.

"D'ya think they're goin' to form a group?" Said a Scottish boy— he had wiry black hair which rested on his shoulders, grey eyes and skin so pale it was nearly blue—he came in before the boy with the scarf whom Janna had seen in Diagon alley in the library with his grandmother.

"Mind if we join?" Asked the first boy.

"Of course," Scorpius nodded "would you—"

"Great mate" The first boy said before lounging with the third boy while the second sat next to Janna, they were already in their robes and they had already customised their attire. "I'm Jake. Jake Siglavy" he put his hand out to Scorpius who carefully shook it.

"Orion Cintola" The Scottish boy then took Janna's hand and kissed her skin generously, Janna had every urge to pull her hand away.

"My name is Juno Erdem" Juno stuck a hand out to Albus, the young boy still had a toddlerish aura to his body, especially because of his round face.

"Oh, I'm Janna, this is Albus and he is Scorpius" Janna pointed to both of the boys, Jake then took Albus' arm and shook it.

"Good to meet you, for an English man you're not that pale." Jake then leaned back in his seat "Maybe because of the  snow in Russia, my eyes are slightly boggled up"

"Oh yes, you're the son of the new heads of The Control Magical Beasts Division in the Ministry of Magic" Scorpius said, Jake nodded generously to confirm.

"Yes, I know nearly every language in the north eastern hemisphere" Jake leaned to Janna with gleaming eyes "but Juno's the smart one, Orion and I met him right after we met each on this packed train" Juno and Orion nodded, Jake looked around the cabin "you know, the English do know how to make trains, I hope their tea is as good as they say"

"It's mostly imported tea people drink these days" Juno explained, Orion chuckled as he leaned back slightly, running his hand through his hair to look at Janna.

"Isnae a houchin' place is this?" The two other boys agreed so Orion stood up "ya wanna come?"

Janna looked to ask where or not it would be fine to go with the strange boys, Albus nodded "Th-There's still time, you can go w-with them, we'll catch up l-later" Albus said, Janna smiled and stood up.

"I'll come" Janna said taking her trunk. Jake and Juno stood up, they left with Orion and Janna, leaving Albus and Scorpius alone.

In one of the carriages, a young fair haired girl with a grey beanie capping her head, looked around in the cabins for room, she was short compared to the boys and Janna, she slowly went past them before looking in cabins again.

"Janna, ya ken that yu're bonnie lass?" Orion asked, Janna blushed before hiding her face in her red scarf.

"Aw Orion, you're making her blush. Lucky for us and you it seems Piggy Wiggy Potter and Mini Mused Malfoy are going to Slytherin" Jake commented, Janna looked at him up from her scarf.

"Really?" Janna frowned "how do you know?"

"I've been raised with sisters who went to Hogwarts and they all are Slytherins, it's these personalities, you see" Jake explained to Janna before glancing at Juno "Juno, didn't you say that you're big sussie was in Slytherin?"

"Yea' she was for only four years, though. She left in her fourth year to go to the Wizarding school in 'stralia so she could visit our relatives" Juno explained, he then ruffled up his scarf to loosen it slightly around his neck.

"Oh, you're also from abroad" Janna said, Juno proudly nodded before smiling happily.

"Yep, born and raised there for six years, after my ma and pa died so my grandma took the liberty of raising me" Juno explained "you know, you ought to get changed sooner than later"

Janna then looked back at her trunk before looking at Juno "we might need to find a cabin, though"

So for about fifteen minutes they searched for a cabin before Janna pestered the boys to wait outside when she changed, her robes fitted like a glove, the only problem was the scar on her neck. Her stockings and robes at least covered the worst of the gnawed skin.

Soon Janna slowly let the door open, the boys all gaped at Janna seeing her in slimming clothes as she then stuffed her frumpy pink jumper into the trunk before slamming it shut. The white ferret hopped around on Janna's shoulder, chirping like a canary.

The boys brought their own things with them into the cabin, Jake had a peregrine falcon, Orion had a dark brown owl who looked a bit dilapidated, Juno had a shrew like creature which was called a bandicoot his grandmother had gotten from one of her relatives as a gift for Juno.

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