Mistaking Malicious Mischief

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As the door opened Ash leapt from his globe, finally he could see Janna, he slipped between the crack of the door not dispersing so he could stay undetectable. Potter stepped through seeing Orion leaping back from the door, the Professor's eyes widened.

   "I heard nothin' sir." Orion assured the Professor, his wiry hair swaying before his eyes "Has Janna been given irn bru? When will she back on her feet?" Orion desperately questioned.

   "Janna needs rest, Cintola, she's just used too much magic in one day. Also she is very distraught from the funeral, give it a few days." Potter answered turning away but Orion caught the Professor's elbow with a grab.

   "Sir... It's... My. Fault" Orion staggered "I made her come with me te see the squid, ye know, to see if it was actually there—"

   "Janna told me everything—"

   "Is she angry?" Orion's grey eyes pleaded, his eyebrows puckered in worry as his hands clenched the Professor's  purple robes.

Potter couldn't help but chuckle "Janna can't be angry with you, she's not that type of person"  Orion looked at Potter with a look that knew the Professor was telling him something that Orion didn't understand "Come to my office, have a cup of tea, we can talk about Janna there"

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The talk with Professor Potter a week ago moved Orion, Potter spoke of being unable to save everyone but keep them on a string because one day you'll never know which one is in trouble when one is tugged. The wiry haired boy was passed by Aimee Miller who giggled shyly when she passed him but he ignored her as he turned a corner to the steps to the Hospital wing.

The boy had his hands buried in his thick jacket that hung off his skinny, pale body.  He wondered if Janna was awake, Pomfery had chased him away every day he had come. Even once he attempted to enter the wing at night under the invisibility of night but the doors were locked, alohamora did not open the lock like it was supposed to.

Orion was not the only boy attempting to visit Janna, Albus had almost slipped into the hospital wing by waiting until Pomfrey went out the doors and he would slip through, the problem is that Pomfrey turned around as she closed the door and saw Albus who was pulled out by his ear.

Throughout the two days the boys had tried to break into the wing Janna was reading a Dark Arts book which Potter had given her, the theory would help her understand her power further. She read about how people used the type magic for bad deeds so Janna wrote her intentions on a parchment.

Only when Professor Potter came to the wing one morning did Orion come with the him to see Janna because he now knew of her powers. Orion had been sitting at the door of the hospital, his black coat surrounded him like a shadow, his wiry hair falling over his face as he read a book that rested on his bent knees.

When Orion came in Janna was sitting on the edge of her bed, her feet dangling over the floor as Pomfrey wrapped her arms, the bandages had dittany soaked gauze sticking to the skin to promote healing. Pomfery was nearly finished with the lad of both the arms when Janna spotted Orion, he smiled at Potter's side at her.

   "Good morning!" Janna smiled with her face brighter than usual, less tired and pale, Pomfrey looked over her shoulder to Professor Potter and Orion.

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