Pear Shaped

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Snuffles pressed his floppy ear to the separation between him and Harry potter's office, he knew exactly what Harry was going to tell Janna, his eyes closed as his tired face drooped, his snout was flecked with grey hairs which had been there for about two decades. Dumbledore had told him to watch Janna, understand her better but the only thing he found out was that this poor girl was all alone in the world now, but of course she had Harry.

    "Do you take milk?" Asked Harry's voice, Snuffles opened a dark eye to see Janna pour milk in first, he let  out a huff that sounded like a snort milk before anything else, she is definitely like me. Sirius shook his head she can't be like me, hopefully she makes better choices than I did.

Snuffles studied the way Janna moved, her mannerisms, she was far more mannered than Regulus himself but she was careful as though if she would do something wrong any second, that was most possibly from his and his brother's fear of their mother. Harry isn't harsh, kind is more like it, like Lily.

Someone leaned over Snuffles her soft hands stroking his straggly black hair on his neck "Why a you still here Sirius?" Lily's voice came to his ears, he looked up to her, she hadn't changed since the eighties, her hair was still a vivid ginger and her eyes still a glowing green. Through the window to the office Harry told Janna of Mr. Winslow's funeral that Sunday, her hands shook as they laced round the ugly orange cup "Oh..."

Snuffles stood up, he looked at Lily who watched Harry silently, her eyes flickering. Next to her Sirius sat on the chair in the portrait, he watched unhappily through the window "Why is it that I have to wait longer?" Sirius grumbled "I can't sit and watch this forever"

Lily looked over her shoulder to Sirius, not at him "Dumbledore said we should wait until Janna recovers from this man's death" Lily placed at hand on the window "He must have been important to her"

Sirius leaned to Lily "I can help her with her recovering, Dumbledore just wants me to suffer even more" Lily's eyes narrowed.

   "Can you not see Janna is the one who needs attention?" Lily questioned, a twinge of anger was merged with her voice.

   "Yes, I see it every day" Sirius watched Janna carefully, she was nodding at what Harry was telling her "When is the next full moon?"

   "Sirius, we have to wait until Dumbledore leads her—"

   "I didn't ask that" Sirius muttered, his hands lacing tightly around each other "I need to tell her the truth, what if this resurrection kills her? Dumbledore doesn't know what will happen if the process goes pear shaped"

   "Exactly, we cannot tell Janna so she doesn't have doubt in herself. We only have one chance, all of us have to work together" Lily explained to Sirius who stared up at her "I also want to talk to Harry, I have had to watch him from afar for years now. You need to realise Janna might have some taking used to"

Sirius scoffed "I have seen her shift on a full moon and I have followed her for nonstop, I know her as well as I know myself"

   "Sirius, you haven't seen everything, maybe there are far more scarce attributes to her, maybe she might let go of the idea of you to focus on—"

Sirius glared at Lily from his gaze at Janna "Janna won't forget me!" Sirius barked, slamming his fist on the arm of the chair, Lily looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"She might want to focus on schooling or even this man... She hasn't met you but  she will, let that be for when Dumbledore—"

   "Lily, don't you want to meet Harry? Don't you want to just know them?" Sirius asked quickly with a small smirk on his lips, he leaned back into his seat as lily narrowed her eyes at him.

    "Not yet..." Lily turned to the window to the office "I want to wait a little longer," Lily smiled to Sirius over her shoulder, excitedly saying "to make this all worth the wait"

Sirius stared at her bright face "Fine" he muttered in submission, he leaned his head on his fist "you're worse than Moony" Sirius sighed, bored. Lily chuckled happily putting her hands on the frame to heighten her view by standing on her tippy toes, watching around like a child by an exciting exhibit.

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Professor Potter indeed explained the terms of the funeral, he explained that Janna wear black attire like a dress or anything. Janna promised to not talk or interact with Mrs. Winslow since the woman had a right to cut all ties with Janna.

That Saturday Janna woke up early after a night of little sleep, she would wake up every minute feeling anxiousness, irritation clouded her thoughts; usually she caught herself questioning why she was felling so worried. The tossing and turning disturbed Ash as well, he would squeak at Janna if she nearly squashed him. Janna didn't know what she would say if she got to the moment of seeing Winslow's casket.

Janna skipped breakfast, she dressed into a white shirt covered by a black jumper, thankfully she had stockings and a skirt at the bottom of her rucksack. With the greatest of energy Janna used the Celare charm to cover her larger scars on her legs as much as she could, there was a faint outline of each scar was traced on her skin when she was finished.

Silently Janna came to the Dark Arts classroom Harry opened the door for her after she knocked with her knuckle, the ambiance was strange and hollow like no emotions floated around anymore. The day was just there to be doubted with. Potter was wearing muggle clothing for a funeral a sombre black which matched his jet black hair, he looked at Janna at his side as she stared deeply into the Floo jar in her hands "Should we wait a little longer?"

Janna shook her head as she quickly stuck her hand into the greenish dust and stepping into the hearth with Harry "Where are we going?" Janna asked silently placing the jar on the shelf above the hearth. "Port Argil Cemetery" Harry spoke as he stood closely to Janna who pursed her lips her hands shook especially her hand balled around the Floo dust.

   "Port Argil Cemetery" Janna announced releasing the dust which caught alight as it fell like a waterfall from her hand at the bottom green flames engulfed the two like mist from a waterfall, the green fire swirled in the hearth before the fire dispersed with a loud crack.

Janna Black and The Cite of the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now