The Knight and The Rivine

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After spending only three days in the hospital wing, hearing complains from Pomfrey pestering where the bruises came from—Janna explained she was chasing rabbits—Janna was finally allowed to end the year, the last lesson was Potions it was a bit quiet and there was not much to do since it was the end of the year.

Since there was nothing to do Slughorn decided to question Janna on where she had disappeared to, since Janna was in a classroom and sitting next to the boys—and Orion—she said "I felt a bit sick from catching a flu, that's why I was in the hospital wing"

   "Yes, yes," Slughorn knelt to Janna, his potbelly squashing Juno to the desk who was cushioned by the grey-blue scarf he had worn a few times in the year, his eyes seemed to bulge like a large bird caught in a tight few branches "Did you hear? The Graphorn that Katherine had been working in had escaped, the beast broke his chains, charged through the tapestry and the wall, a very thick wall at that."

   "You don't say" Janna murmured as he passed her to pester someone else, Juno wheezed for air as his face turned red with the return of blood to his paled skin. Orion put an hand on Juno's shoulder "Ya alrigh' ma'e?" the round faced boy nodded with his curly hair jumping off and on his forehead.

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While packing Janna needed Orion and Jake to sit on her trunk while she buckled the straps around  the overstuffed leather box, she failed to squeeze everything in "Don't you boys eat?" Janna complained as she pushed the lid down which made everyone on the bed jump, Ash squeaked as he was catapulted into the air a few inches.

When Jake lifted his oxford shirt he looked at his stomach to rub it then shrug "I wouldn't call myself skinny" he laughed "it's good to have some meat on your bones, just in case"

Juno frowned from where he was leaning on one of the posters on Janna's bed "Just in case of what?"

   "I dunno," Jake shrugged, sarcasm was hinted in his voice "maybe if we get flung from the rails on the Hogwarts express over a valley get marooned on an island miles away from the coast of Scotland"

The bed bounced again when Orion snorted "Jake's gonna be our provisions, we'll stew 'is fingers first, jus' look at 'em!" Orion pulled up Jake's one hand to show to Juno "Aul tha' work turin' pages in books, maybe the brain will be edible too" Orion joked but Juno looked dizzy at the thought.

Janna finally got the last buckle "You shouldn't eat people, the proteins in their meat causes the brain degradation," She leaned on the other bed post, crossing her arms "your food eats you from the inside" Janna looked the boys up and down "I'm not keen on consuming any of you three, do you even ever take a bath?"

Juno looked appalled "I don't stink!"

A grin spread over Janna's face "Really? I can see the stink fumes coming off you three" she laughed, Orion smelled his hair to see if it smelt funny.

   "I can chase you two away with my fumes then" Jake snickered as he jumped off the trunk, leaving Orion to bob on the lopsided trunk that sunk on his side into the bed. Orion followed Jake still smelling a lock of wiry hair.

With a jab Orion shoved his scalp in Janna's face "Wot does ma' hair smell like? Is it rank?" Awkwardly Janna gave a sniff at his hair, she combed her fingers through the hair to get a better smell of the faint creamy scents.

   "Smells like hair to me" Janna shrugged, stating the obvious smell of oils and dandruff. 

For a while Orion did not move even after Juno and Jake went to go get their trunks, he pressed his head into her sternum, she wondered if he had fallen asleep "I don' wanna go to that house 'gain" slowly Orion hugged her then clenched her robes in his fingers, his shoulders shook so Janna quickly hugged him back "Gads... I miss ma... Ma..." He sniffed then placed his ear on her heart, his eye was closed and puffy " M-M-Ma—Her" Orion chocked on the word he wanted to have said.

Janna pursed her lips she wanted to take him with her as extra luggage, something else to treasure like Juno and Jake, she should tell him about everything so he could stay with her safely "Just write to me, if it gets really bad I'll give you my address and then you can stay with me" she sighed, not really knowing where she was actually going to stay in the first place.

Orion snorted as he looked up at her with a grin smeared across his face "I know, ye can stay with me if ya still don' know where yer goin' by the time we ge' to London, Pa doesn't lash out when der's else someone around. But if ye do know where yu're goin' den I know where the best places are to dodge the old wanker"

  "You should stay with me then" Janna shook his shoulders but he shrugged "bloody hell, Orion—"

   "'Hey, I know yu have secrets and I don' wanna interfere with dem, if the situation gets hairy then I'll call for a knight in shinin' armour" Orion muttered uncertainly, smiling timidly, a rare sight in Orion. Without a second thought Janna hugged him tightly again, Orion rested his head in her shoulder when she settled with her arms wrapped around his shoulders.

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On the train Hogwarts disappeared in a sea of fir trees and haze, Janna fiddled the resurrection stone in between her fingers as the boys and her played a betting game on the floor betting on what coloured hair person would walk past, if any Weasleys would come past and were caught by the first person to see them got the others to eat five Bertie Botts, a normal person got others only one Bertie Botts.

Of course Janna could hear the Weasleys, smell then actually, they had the whiff of a kitchen and a dusty house, Janna enjoyed this smell. Even if she heard a Weasley coming past she would let the odd one be caught by the boys. At this point she had betted on only blondes, since every time someone new came past they were able to change their beats so Janna just kept hers the same, even if that meant getting a few odd Bertie Botts but she could smell out the bad ones and just swallow thenm and chew on the nice ones.

After two hours the boys fell asleep, Janna could not sleep, she needed to get the rid of the stone. This stone could bring back more of the Death Eaters so she needed to hide it where not even her could find it.

There was a ravine with a small trail of water glistening at the bottom up ahead so she was prepared by the window, her hand clutching the stone, she felt afraid, afraid that maybe she would lose Sirius and everyone if she let go, like they would disappear again but when the slope of the ravine came into view Janna made her choice.

The ravine passed quickly under the train, Janna watched the shimmering water, they train shivered from the sudden change of being over flat land to being concealed in between two walls. The wind brushed Janna's empty hand, she felt the air currents wrap around her arm that had gone against it to throw the stone over the tracks and hopefully into the water.

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