A Good Group of Reasons

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The young man leaned towards Janna with his hands resting on the heads of the armrests, his blue eyes widening with concern as he studied Janna's face "Young lady, are you alright?"

   "No..." Janna choked on the word as though she did not even want to utter a word about her loss, her hands ran back through her hair, trying to groom the bad feelings from her head. Janna gathered herself by breathing in deeply and allowing herself to stand up staring to look directly at the man "my... my father..."

Janna stopped herself from allowing the word from exiting her body I don't want to say it, I don't want to say it... I don't want him to be dead, I don't want him to be dead—

   "He passed away"

The man leaned even closer to her by shifting his arm chair closer, allowing the feet of the chair to creak on the wooden floor in the portrait, "Would you prefer to tell me what happened?" An understanding was expressed through his widening blue eyes as his eyebrows lifted "Or do you rather talk about anything else?"

Feeling foolish Janna bowed her head down to stare at the flagstones under her shoes, nevertheless she appreciated his kindness to listen to her so she shook her head while looked up at him, his blue eyes flooded with concern "I'd like to talk about him... I don't like letting things stay with me for too long" Janna wiped her eyes to removed her cold tears, she pressed her lips together convincing herself to talk.

   "Very wise," The man leaned even closer, possibly curious, with his elbows resting on his knees he knotted his fingers together to balance his head under his chin on his knuckles "might I ask what your name is?" The odd man asked gently, lifting his head from his knuckles to speak.

Janna blinked... She didn't feel like knowing her own name, she didn't want to say it. It was a new name, she didn't want a new life included with the name. Although she felt like this would help take her mind off all the upset dwellings in her head.

   "Janna Black" The words fell out her mouth, the first word was familiar but the surname was almost alien to her tongue.

    "Oho," The man seemed to be on the edge of his armchair, his blue eyes subtly sprouting smiling crowfeet "Black, you say? I was under the impression most of your family chose Slytherin house" The man gestured to Janna's robes, she glanced down at the roaring lion in front of the red background "Your family is remarkably known world wide, the fact that the family is so ancient is an influential part of its popularity. Here's a tidbit of Hogwarts history, one of your ancestors, Philius Black, was a Headmaster here at Hogwarts. I have faith you shall be more successful than your ancestors ever were"

   "I have been told I'm like my uncle and father, Sirius and Regulus Black" Janna admitted, smiling knowing she was not completely unlike her immediate family "I... I was told that my father was a brilliant Seeker and that my uncle was great friends with James Potter, Harry Potter's father... Which makes sense that I'm friends with his son, Albus Potter"

    "Hmmm" The man stroked his auburn beard that lifted as his lips pulled up to smile, he seemed to be deep in thought "My name is on the plaque, I'm curious to see if you can announce my name in one breathe, I usually ask students to do so if they come past"

Janna bent down to the golden plate on the reddish brown wood where a name in bright black letters stood out: Arbel Arcadium Lud-Eli Pilfred Bucuvir-Brown "Arbel Arcadium... Lud-Eli Pilfred Bu—bucuvir..? Brown..." Janna looked up at the man as he watched her as though anticipating a realisation of some sort "Are you sure they spelt your name right?"

Janna Black and The Cite of the DeadWhere stories live. Discover now