The Patronus Charm

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When Janna hurried to Gryffindor Tower she saw the boys in the common room, as soon as should could she exposited her story, starting at her meeting in McGonagall's office, the talk with Mr. Brown, who he was and his chicken theory; the possibility of bringing back her father, she explained all the elements needed for this Ressurection. The four of them gathered by the fireplace, stoking the fire, throwing the occasional rolled up parchment into the flames while talking lowly when other students came past.

"Janna," Juno began, fiddling with his scarf's corners "he could just be messing with you, portraits do spend an awful lot of time in those walls, you know"

"This man is brilliant!" Janna jumped up from the floor "he can't be lying, I just told you who he was!" She exclaimed jumping on her toes, feeling a rush of excitement.

Soon, as though in a classroom, Jake put his hand up "Janna, you're going dotty. How are you going to find these objects without being caught?" Before saying anymore Jake looked over his shoulder to look for anyone else in the common room then stared up at Janna but he lowered his time "Or even arrested? You can't exactly go to the forbidden forest and snag yourself a Lethifold"

"Why not?" Janna frowned at him.

"Because Lethifold's prefer to live in warmer climates," Jake pulled her down by her hand to sit down next to him with her back to the sofa behind them "We need something nearer to catch, like a dementor" Jake brushed off what he said however Juno's reaction was the complete opposite. 

  "You can't be supporting this idea! Dementors suck people's souls out of their faces!" Juno squealed, he looked around quickly after raising his voice "We don't even know how to protect ourselves, let alone find a Dementor without getting caught"

Lying on his back next to the fire Orion stroked his chin as he stared up and wondered "We can borrow brooms from Madam Hooch, fly der an' catch a dementor in a bag or sock, somethin' small"

"Like a match box!" Jake yelped as though he had been poked by a red hot iron.

"Ey don' t'ink ya can trap somethin' in a matchbox," Orion smirked in confusion "maybe we can use a kist, that will be big enough"

"You know that a wizard actually caught a bogart in a matchbox, maybe we can catch a dementor too with that method," Jake pointed out, "the smaller box will make our lives easier when we transport it"

"How are you going to get the dementor in the matchbox?" Juno asked as he stoked the fire, Janna looked at Jake, waiting to see if he had any more ideas... Orion opened his mouth but he didn't say anything "thought so... Anyways, you can use a Patronus Charm, if either of you can reach the library to get a book or bribe a higher year for their Dark Arts textbook"

Jake grinned at Juno who glanced at him, letting out an exasperated laugh "Your only problem is Peeves, Flich, Misses Norris and the entire castle"

"What are you four firsties planning by that fire?" Asked a cool voice above the four from the sofa, the four of them swayed around quickly to see James watching them eagerly from the back of the sofa behind them, he was leaning on his elbows looking at them, grinning, his freckles glowing with mischief.

"D'ya know how t'make a Patronus?" Orion blurted out—

Jake slammed Orion's head with his palm. "you idiot, he's Professor Potter's son!" Jake whispered at Orion who rubbed where Jake had hit his head "speak for yourself, you twit," Orion swung his hand at James "he can help us"

Thinking fast Janna stood up and sat on the seat, leaning to James "the boys and I want some extra credit for your father's classes, you know," Janna couldn't help but have a grin curve on her lips "to cover up all the mischievous antics"

James sighed, leaning towards Janna, reminding her of how the man at Borgin and Burkes' would lean to her when he asked her which books she desired to order "I know something better than a textbook... But you'll need to help me get it from my dad, you'll need to persuade him with something... Come up with something about extra credit, of course, don't mention the Charm or else he will clam up." James looked at the boys who were still arguing amongst each other in a tit for tat "it's called the Marauder's map, dad keeps it close to him, so you'll need this as well" James pulled his bookbag strap off his shoulder and opened the mouth of the bag, pulling out a silvery material, he laid the watery material on the couch, like water the material slivered off of his hand "I have no need of that, I already know all the tunnels in the school and how to dodge Flich and Misses Norris—" 

"You know about the tunnels?" Janna asked excitedly.

In response James nodded lifting the cloak to Janna's nose "My dad keeps the Maurader's Map in his office draws, even at home, so I learnt about all the tunnels before I even came to Hogwarts last year, you'll be able to use the Map to get to the library to find the books with the Patronus charm"

The bickering boys looked up at James, only stopping when he began to speak about the Marauder's Map "How do we get into the library?" Juno questioned untrustingly "We can't just walk in"

James snickered "You haven't seen anything yet" he shook the cloak to let the material shimmer in the flame's lights. he swished the cloak over his shoulders, the fabric covered wrapped around his body only showing a floating head. Janna stared in disbelief, the boys stared as well "see, firsties, there are so many things you can do now" James grinned, folding the cloak over his arm to give the cloak to Janna "just make it quick, it's nearly time for lunch, that is the window when the classroom will be open, dad forgets to lock the door most the time"

The four students jumped up, James watched them shuffle to the portrait hole "one more thing" the four stopped, turning to James who straightened up from leaning on the sofa "remember to say I solemnly swear that I am up to no good and mischief managed"

"Why? Is it a password?" Janna asked as the boys opened the door, James ran his hand through his dark hair "In a manner of speaking" Janna turned around, feeling something tug at her arm, behind her the boys were leaving. A squeaking came down the dorm staircases, at the landing stood Ash who dispersed into a puff of white flakes which glided to Janna, the ferret popped onto her arm, squeaking at her and hiding in her robe pocket.

"Are we sure we have a plan?" Juno asked, Jake watched as Orion trotted ahead of them to the floor the Dark Arts classroom was on, Orion said over his shoulder as he reached a step waiting for them "of course, we hide under that cloak and rummage through the draws until we find the Map, then we can go to your most favourite place in the world to find a book with the spell with need to catch the dementor"

Juno ran after Orion who had hopped off the last three steps "but how do we get a dementor in the first place?"

"They float about, I'm sure we'll be able find one if we have that map and that cloak, now we need the map to get the book, you ninny" Orion told Juno as they waited for Jake and Janna at the bottom of the steps.

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