The Cave

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The cave rumbled as though it were alive—Sirius had a green jet of light running down his arm from the bubble... A wave of dust swirled around his ghostly self, he felt the cold air around him again. With a jolt Sirius gasped in air that choked him, around him it seemed time had stopped, the whole cave was lit up by a golden aura, he could see the creature coming towards them that was as large as a mountain, it was the Graphorn.

A sensation of blood rushing through his body made him shiver. Sirius felt himself breathe again, it was like he had been  asleep for ages. The bubble spat out his hand and soon the stone felt cold in his fingers—time began to sped up again—Sirius took Janna's wand from her jacket, turning to the Graphorn "Stupefy!" Sirius snapped with a voice that sounded like it hadn't been used in a long time, the Graphorn froze, tripping over its great paws and dragging through the slate floor to a slow stop. Gasping, Sirius felt like he had not breathed in ages, his mouth felt dry and his skin was a bit clammy.

Right now Sirius only focused on Janna, he patted her cheeks but she did not respond "Janna!" He barked at her shaking her shoulders, she was breathing as though she had a rattle in her throat.

With a strong shake Janna coughed in air, with a confused  stare she squinted up at someone with shoulder long hair, Janna shook her head, her sight was too blurry—she thought this person looked like Orion "Orion? What are you doing here?"

   "Janna, I'm not Orion, I'm Sirius," Sirius helped Janna sit up as she held her hand over her nape "Snuffles"

As though zapped with electricity Janna jumped  up in her sitting position, feeling Sirius' hand on her shoulder "How are doing that?!" She then took his fingers, pinching the tips to see if blood would run back to the nails "Dumbledore was right... Did you use the Cite and the resurrection stone—?!"

   "Yes, yes, yes" Sirius answered excitedly, he hugged Janna tightly, he could now feel her cold skin, her soft hair and her shivers as she cried "you brought me back!"

Janna sniffed and shook her head, feeling happy in her uncle's arms "you did it, Sirius!" They looked at each other, he cupped her cheeks in his hands, she held his arms "you're older than I thought you would be"

Sirius' smile dropped slightly but he still had a excited expression "I would say the same for you, but you're too much like your father to look rugged" Sirius said patting her shoulder, Janna stood up with him, he took the bubble to hold the glass in his arm "Did you get this wand from Harry?" Sirius asked handing Janna back her wand as they went around the Graphorn.

   "Yes, well... He gave it to the Winslows, the people who raised me, when he came to give me my letter Harry made the Winslows give it to me, since they wanted to protect me since I usually caused suspicion after a full moon with all the cuts and bruises. Mr. Olivander said that this is an heirloom" Janna explained as she tucked the wand in her pocket "did you ever see it?"

   "Yeah, but not since my mother most possibly told Kreature to hide it in her library if your father died to hide it from any heir if mine" Sirius muttered, not too proud of mentioning his mother "that wand belonged to Regulus, it was passed down to the first child who became a Death Eater in the family"

Janna frowned "I'm not a Death Eater... Those people haven't really existed since 1998; neo-Death Eaters still exist but Rose told me they're just false documents from Rita Skeeta"

    "Rita Skeeta still writes for the Daily Prophet?" Sirius laughed as they passed the Graphorn's tail, Janna stopped and saw it was chained to the cave wall, the creature's  ankle was raw from chaffing on the manacles "why are you stopping? Everyone's waiting."

Janna saw the area around the chain had been mauled and scratched at "This creature has been stuck here for who knows how long, I'm letting it go" Janna explained, rolling up her sleeves to quickly do the spell with her wand, Sirius saw the scars and bite marks on Janna's trembling wrists. Sirius took her wand, she looked up at him "I should do this, your hands are shivering, you might blow it's leg off" Janna backed away, she watched as Sirius bend down to simply tap the chains, he muttered a spell causing the chain to all click and slip off the Graphorn's ankle. "Now, we go" Sirius nodded, turning to the arch.

   "No, how is it going to get out if the passage is closed?" Janna questioned Sirius who stopped and turned back to the Graphorn on his heel.

   "Run, it'll wake up quickly" Sirius still had Janna's wand in hand, she turned and ran out the door way in the cobble wall, she turned to the courtyard towards the way to the forest, trying not to get caught by Filch who might have been interested in the loud sounds ululated from the ground floor.

When Sirius heard Janna's footsteps disappear he backed away and yelled "Ennervate!" The Graphorn grunted, Sirius turned to the doorway, hearing the beast use the large paws it had to get back up. His body was not used to this running after a few moments of being alive, he felt like he had just woken up for a long nap. As he turned the corner there was loud BANG! Sirius looked over his shoulder before he got to the bend, he saw the mountain sized beast had crashed through the stone wall, he knew he couldn't get to far as a human so he turned to a different option.

As Janna reached the archway out onto the grassy slopes of the castle she heard the BANG! Her whole body froze as dust from the crash came out into the courtyard where she saw a shaggy black dog dashing out of it, where a loud booming of large paws followed. Janna ran on the dewy grass while the dog passed her, there was a second CRASH! The Graphorn roared at the sky, Janna felt rocks hit her back while Snuffles ran a few feet in front of her.  The Graphorn's paw sounds disappeared and Janna turned to see over her shoulder to see that the Graphorn had faded into the shadows.

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