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When I woke up I was alone. I groggily sat up and looked around. I was back in the room across from Mia's drowning in a sea of fluffy cotton covers. I remembered getting up last night and tiptoeing back in here after Mia had fallen asleep. I sniffed and crinkled my nose at the warm bitter smell coming from the bedside table. Sure enough there was a mug of tea. I picked up the steaming cup with a sigh.

I heard the shower running in the bathroom Mia and I shared. I was going to need one of those. I swung my legs off the bed, cooling my toes on the hardwood, and stood with a stretch. The bags of clothes Elise had gotten for me were sitting beside the door. It was so frustrating not having any of my things here.

Yeah, okay I'm a werewolf, I'm stuck here, but could I at least wear my own panties!?

I shoved a hand through my tangled hair and started unloaded the bags. I had just finished shoving everything into one of the dresser drawers when Mia opened the bathroom door.

"Hey just an FYI, breakfast is at nine and most of the pack will be here. It's a Saturday so a lot of them would have been here anyways, but I'll be honest, they're curious about you. First female Rogue and all."

Mia was towel drying her long black hair but looked up at my groan.

"It really won't be that bad, I'll be there, and so will Kane. I know he can be an ass to you, but I promise he won't let anyone else be."

"Ha! Kane doing something nice for me, I'm sure."

"You know Cassie, I think I have responded surprisingly well to this unique situation we're in."

I jumped at the voice behind me. If my nerves weren't shot to hell by the end of this it would be a miracle.

"Kane, knocking is generally considered polite."

"Would you really call me a polite person?" he asked with a grin.

"Good point."

"Kane, will you quit with the front? Cassie is fine. She doesn't have any evil plans so cut her some slack," Mia said angrily.

Evil plans?

"Maybe Mia is right, but I don't wanna take any chances with my pack so forgive my suspicions."

"What could you possibly be suspicious of? I haven't even actually turned into a werewolf. I'm probably defective so I wouldn't worry about me."

"That's actually what bothers me..." Kane looked at me quizzically. "I'm inclined to believe that you mean my pack no harm but still the Rogues obviously want you for some unknown reason, and when the Rogues want something it can never be good. And why haven't you turned? What makes you special?"

"Maybe I'm just that stubborn."

"Now that I would believe," Kane said with a surprised laugh. "Either way we need to work on that. You're safe here, but you're at a disadvantage until you shift for the first time. You won't have the same heightened senses as the Rogues or their strength. You need to be able to protect yourself."

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"Meet me downstairs after breakfast and we will see what we can do about that."

In true Kane fashion he left dramatically without another word.

"Any idea what hes going on about?"

"I'm gonna assume he's going to try to teach you how to properly shift," Mia answered with a shrug.

She turned to go back into her room, shutting the door behind her. I bit back a curse and started to get dressed. The shower could wait, I would need one after spending any substantial amount of time around Kane anyways. 

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