Chapter Fourteen

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Dallon grabbed a pair of vans and put on his black t-shirt before getting into the Ways' car. Gerard and Mikey came to pick him up every morning because they lived barely a block away. Dallon felt so lucky to meet such nice people considering his reputation at his last school as the school bully. He couldn't understand why people thought that. Okay, maybe he understood where they were coming from, but that little rat told on him, and that's why they all thought he was a bully. That's why at this school he picked Brendon, another cute gay boy to mess with.

As much as Dallon would never admit this, he had problems expressing his emotions sometimes. Any boy he's ever wanted has driven him crazy to the point where he had to harass them. He couldn't handle that.

So, Dallon saw nothing wrong with the way he treated Brendon. He was a desire to him, not a person with emotions.

"Today is the day, my boys," Dallon smiled, climbing into the car.

"You're finally gonna ask him out?" Gerard smiled back, beginning to drive the car.

Gerard and Mikey had no idea of the way Dallon treated Brendon. They barely knew the real Dallon at all. From the fabricated stories Dallon told them, it sounded like Brendon actually liked him. That was, however, a ridiculous lie. And Dallon knew it.

"Mark my words," Dallon grinned, "by the end of today, he will be mine."

Miley turned around and gave Dallon a high-five, supporting his friend. They had no idea.


Dallon hadn't seemed to be talking to Brendon as much lately, but that may have been partially due to their seat change in math and Pete protecting him in gym. The thing was, though, today in gym they were being forced to play the activity instead of just walking around the track like they normally do. They were playing the most average of all high school gym games: dodgeball. Pete was chosen to be team captain, at least, so Brendon knew they'd be on the same team.

The only problem was that Dallon was also a team captain, and he got first pick.

Brendon saw this as a good thing at first, assuming Dallon would pick Gerard or Mikey, and Pete would be able to chose him. That, however, was not the case.

"Okay, Dallon, you can chose first," their gym teacher Coach Flowers instructed.

Dallon eyes scanned the room, and Brendon was only lost in his thoughts. He was slightly worried about if Ryan's parents liked him or not. He couldn't help but think they didn't because he was gay, but Ryan reassured him enough over the phone last night.

"Brendon, they love you, I promise you that," Ryan practically pleaded into the phone. Brendon sighed, lying back on his bed and kicking his shoes off. "If you're lying to protect my feelings, I swear."

Ryan laughed, eliciting a groan of annoyance from Brendon. Honestly, Ryan's parents did like him, they just didn't understand homosexuality in general.

"I'm not, and they like you practically as much as I do." Ryan stated.

"And how much is that?" Brendon asked.

"More than you'll ever know."

"Let's see," Dallon began, "Brendon."

Brendon looked up after hearing his name, eyes wide in shock as he was immediately taken out of his memory of last night. He didn't walk over until the coach told him to. "Brendon, let's go."

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