Comic Sans

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Peridot and Steven looked around. They were in a snow covered realm with trees everywhere. Suddenly, they heard a loud thump!  behind them. They swung around. The huge doors had swung shut and had locked. "Well, I guess there's no going back."'Steven sighed. "Yup" said Peridot. They crunched down the white path. Steven felt a sudden realization. This was the place from his dream!  He looked around, expecting to see the shadow. There was nothing behind him. At his feet, there was a small stick which he stepped over. Crack!  Although he hadn't stepped on the stick, it had cracked after he stepped over it.

They continued walking, Peridot oblivious to the possible danger. They reached a large wooden fence. It didn't seem to be keeping anything out. The bars were too wide, even an elephant could walk through them with no problem. They heard a crunching of snow behind them. "Hey, don't you know how to greet a new friend? Turn around and shake my hand. Steven and Peridot turned around slowly. Peridot grasped the outstretched hand. Phlgrrrrrrhhhhh! A farting noise erupted from the handshake. "Heh, the whoope cushion trick, works every time."  Now the dark stranger was in the light. He was a skeleton. "The names sans, sans the skeleton." He  was short with a blue jacket and slippers. He wore a permenant grin on his face.

Peridot stared at the skeleton in shock. "Did you just prank me? I will have you know I can impale you to the ground with a single move." Steven bent over, laughing. "Heh, at least someone appreciates humor."  Sans grinned. Peridot looked insulted. "Hey, you look like you're trying to go somewhere. Go through. Yeah, go right through, my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone." Sans encouraged. They walked through. "Now, I gotta warn ya, even though I'm friendly to you, my bro's a human hunting fanatic." Sans said. "He's not dangerous though, even if he tries to be. He saw some other humans who he's trying to capture now, so he might not pay you as much attention as he would before." Sans walked up to two weirdly shaped lamps. "Here my bro comes now, quick, get behind the lamp." 

Another skeleton appeared, this one taller. He appeared to be wearing some kind of armor. "BROTHER! YOU LAZYBONES! YOU STILL HAVEN'T RECALIBRATED YOUR PUZZLES!"  He said, no, shouted.  "Sorry, I guess I'm just bone tired."  An invisible ba dum tis sounded. "Sans this is no time for jokes!" Papyrus ran out of the area. "Alright, you can come out now." Steven and Peridot crept out from behind the lamp. "See ya later." Sans followed his brother.

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