Cooking with a Killer Robot!

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(oop we got a repeat one cause yknow, mettaton) ^

Amythest groaned as Mettaton crashed up through the floor, waving his microphone. "Ugh, this guy again??" she groaned. Mettaton boomed "OH YES DARLING, YOU'LL BE SEEING A LOT OF ME HERE IN HOTLAND! I'M A STAR!!!" The gems drew back as Mettaton whipped out a baker's hat and an apron that said 'Kiss the Cook'.  Upbeat music filled the air as Mettaton began his opening.

"WELCOME, BEAUTIES, TO THE UNDERGROUND'S PREMIER COOKING SHOW!!" Mettaton clapped his gloved hands together enthusiastically. "ENTERTAINMENT, GORE, COOKING! WE HAVE IT ALL! AND NOW, MAY I PRESENT TO YOU, OUR LOVELY ASSISTANTS!!" Mettaton swept his hand towards the gems, and a spotlight beamed down on them. "NOW, IF YOU DON'T MIND, PLEASE FETCH THE INGREDIENTS!!!" Hesitantly, the gems looked around the room. Peridot spotted the eggs, picked them up, and brought them to the table. Pearl gathered up the other ingredients in her hands and dumped them on the table. 

Mettaton turned to them. "WONDERFUL, DARLINGS!! BUT. . ."

Steven whispered to Pearl, "i don't think there was anything we forgot. was there?" Pearl shook her head, her hands clenching and unclenching in anxiety. 

Mettaton tsked. "WHY, WE FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT!" A smothering silence came over the room. The music stopped, and the lights flickered off only to spotlight Mettaton.

"A   HUMAN  SOUL  ." 

A whirring sound was heard from Mettaton as he whipped out a chainsaw, it's blades gleaming in the spotlight. The gems screamed. Mettaton's screen changed to a bright red as he advanced on the gems, his towering height looming over them. Steven created a giant shield around his friends and braced for the worst.

A small 'ding' was heard from Steven's pocket. He pulled out the phone and held it to his ear, holding a finger up to Mettaton. "Wait just a moment." Mettaton shut off the chainsaw and waited patiently. Alphys's voice stuttered through the speakerphone. "H-hey Mettaton! Um, don't use the human soul!" Mettaton's (eyes???) narrowed in suspicion. "AND WHY NOT?" Alphys whimpered. "Because s-some people might be.....................vegan??" Mettaton's voice got dangerously soft and low. "..........VEGAN?" Alphys gulped. "y-yes?"

Mettaton's screen lit up! "WHY, THAT'S AN EXCELLENT IDEA! I JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE A VEGAN SUBSTITUTE RIGHT OVER ON THAT TABLE!" Mettaton cheered. Alphys sighed in relief. "WHY DON'T YOU GO GET IT!" Mettaton ordered the gems. The gems cautiously wandered over to the table. Amythest leaned over to grab it, when it shot up, hitting her in the nose! "Ow!" she rubbed it, sniffing. The table hovered way up in the air above the gems. "WHY DON'T YOU GO GET IT?" Mettaton said cheerfully. "BUT BE QUICK! YOU ONLY HAVE A MINUTE TO GET IT!" 

Alphys yelled through the phone. "D-don't worry! You can get through this! Watch this!" A jetpack unfolded from the phone and locked itself onto Steven's back. "Who-ah!" he cried, stumbling. Alphys said, "N-now, go get that substitute!" Steven pulled out a shield from his gem and launched into the air. 

Cruising along, Steven looked down. "Hey! This is kinda easy!" He waved to the gems. "Hi, guys!" Pearl shouted up to him, "Steven, look out!" An egg fell from the sky and splattered onto him. Steven glanced up, only to find an arsenal of baking supplies falling towards him. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed, avoiding them. A flash of light in the shape of a spear came hurtling towards him. A row of baked goods was demolished by it. "Keep flying, Steven!" Pearl screamed. "I can get rid of the ingredients!" 

Steven nodded in assent and flew on, eggs exploding around his head. He spotted the substitute. "I found it!" he yelled down. Peridot cried, "Great! Now grab it and get down here!" Steven closed his hand around the cold aluminum can. The ingredients stopped falling, and Steven felt himself descending slowly. Mettaton gave a robotic laugh as Steven's feet hit the floor. "I'M AFRAID WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO BAKE THE CAKE!" Mettaton revealed. Steven put the can on the flour-covered counter in defeat. 

Peridot stared at Mettaton. "Are you serious??!! WE WENT THROUGH ALL OF THAT JUST SO YOU COULD STOP THE SHOW??!!" Mettaton giggled. "DON'T WORRY, HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN A COOKING SHOW? I BAKED THE CAKE BEFOREHAND!" He waved his arm and a trapdoor on the counter opened. A gigantic cake rose through it. Peridot stared in disbelief. "Peridot..." Amythest warned. 

'ARGHHHHHHHHHH!" Peridot ran towards the cake and kicked the center. Frosting flew everywhere, including Mettaton's screen. "I-" he started. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! I'M DONE WITH THIS STUPID FREAKING SHOW!" Peridot screeched. "Language!" Pearl scolded. Peridot scooped up globs of cake and began shoving them onto every button on Mettaton. Mettaton seemed flabbergastered. "CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FETCH THEIR CHILD? WHO'S MINION IS THIS?" he questioned. Pearl grabbed onto Peridot's arms and pulled her off of him. Mettaton's gears whirred audibly. "I think you may have broken something," Amethyst whispered.

Mettaton spun around slowly, descending into his original hole on the floor, his screen covered in a film of cake. Alphys started to talk over the phone and the gems jumped, forgetting she was there for a minute. "W-well. That went.... well???" she stuttered. The group decided to just walk on, with Steven guiding a fuming Peridot. Nobody mentioned anything to Peridot, who was continually grumbling under her breath. Amythest started whistling, while Pearl tried to look anywhere but Peridot. 

As the group walked on, a loud stomping noise was heard from around the corner. It sounded like.....armor??? "Hey, you! We want to talk to you!" two deep voices commanded gruffly. 

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