Chapter Sixteen: Broken Dreams

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Your heels click as they clash against each other under the chair. What is taking so long? Have they already found the perfect girl for the part? Is this all just wasted time? No, that's not the way to think about this. It's a new and rewarding experience... one way or another. The time you've been waiting outside of the audition room seems endless. Several of the other girls look as though they are about to pass out, or worse. The tight hallway is filled with nerves, anticipation, and the occasional muffled sounds that escape the thick soundproof walls of the audition room. Your throat feels unbearably dry as you scan over the script one more time. It never hurts to be prepared, right? Your palms turn sweaty and clammy as they hold the papers. Keep it together, they'll call you soon. Chapped lips are certainly not attractive, however, regardless of how much chap-stick you put on beforehand, they're still as dry as a desert.

The audition room door bursts open, nearly scaring everyone in the hallway half to death. As if you weren't already on edge, lets throw a nice jump-scare in there as well! A pretty defeated-looking blonde girl walks out, desperately holding back tears. Your body turns cold as she glimpses down at you before rushing down the hallway and into the elevator. Feeling stiff and undeniably frightened, you inhale deeply to try and calm your racing heart. A thin line of sweat forms above your brow and upon your upper lip. No way are you going to go in there and mess up the audition because of nerves. You haven't traveled this far to fail.

"Miss (Y/L/N)?" A tall, intimidating woman calls out while looking up from her list. "Is Miss (Y/L/N) here?"

"Yes!" Your body shoots up from the chair, nearly causing it to crash into the wall. Throwing your script down upon it, you hope she hadn't noticed you doing so. "I'm here."

The walk from the chair, down the hallway, and to the door had to be the most nerve racking experience. Her eyes scan over you, as do the other anxious girls, before you walk inside. It's finally happening-- the time to either make it, or break it. God, a smoothie would be perfect right now.

The room is small, making you feel slightly claustrophobic. A handsome man with broad shoulders and a beautiful woman in a blue dress sit behind a table, examining you as you enter. Is this an audition or a prison? Maybe a bit of both. Your nerves subside as they both gingerly smile before shaking your hand. The intimidating woman who had called out your name a few minutes ago now takes her place behind the camera. It should have been common sense that the audition would be recorded, but as the red light turns on from the camera, you can't help but feel a tad bit nauseous.

"Whenever you're ready."

From zoning out, you don't even know which one of the three people just said that. After taking a deep breathe and closing your eyes for a quick moment, the audition begins. Everything is going exactly as you planned. The man responds accordingly to your dialogue as the woman makes notes from the table. The nerves you had felt minutes prior leave you half way through, and allow you to fully embrace the character you are portraying. After the dialogue session ends, the pair both scribble on their note sheets as you stand there. The silence is awkward, but now that you've auditioned, it feels as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You smile, feeling quite pleased about your audition. Confidence is the key, right? Or is it something else?

"We'll contact you," the man speaks before closing your information folder. "Good luck."

The assistant, who leaves her spot from behind the camera, now walks you to the door.

Good luck? Contact you? Was that just a polite send off? Is my mind overthinking the situation?

As you emerge back out into the hallway, the remaining girls look to you for some boost of confidence. A hopeful smile resides on your face as you pick up the crumpled script from your chair and walk towards the elevator. Pressing the button to go down, you feel something lurch within your stomach. What if coming to L.A. was a mistake? What if being an actress isn't in the cards? For the first time since you've arrived in California, you want nothing but to be back home. As the elevator arrives, you step inside, leaving the audition a different person.

A/N: How is everyone since I've last updated?

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