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Jade Allessia Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview



Officer Waters: Ms. Harris contacted you again?

Jade Carter: No, not exactly. Ms. Harris didn't call me again after I made it clear that it was her own responsibility to discipline her daughter, we couldn't control if she came to our house. Or well...we weren't going to turn her away at the door. During that call she threatened to involve the police but I guess she ultimately chose not to. However...the next time that Connor brought Anna home with him after school, Ms. Harris showed up to our house. 

Officer Waters: And what happened during that encounter?

Jade Carter: Ms. Harris rang the doorbell, and when I answered the door, she pushed past me like I wasn't even there, stomped through our house shouting Anna's name and, upon finding her in the dining room where we had all been eating dinner, she grabbed Anna forcibly by the arm, and pulled her out the door while screaming at her about how she had been warned what would happen if she didn't come home after school.

Officer Waters: And did she say what that was? What would happen to Anna, I mean?

Jade Carter: No...or if she did I don't remember. It was all very chaotic and before I could even process anything, she had Anna out the door and in the car. Anna didn't even have her backpack. Connor had to drive it over to their house after they'd gone.

Officer Waters: And after that encounter how did you feel about the situation with Anna.

Jade Carter: I told Connor that that was the last straw, it was too much stress on us to have Anna over, and I was getting worried that the Harris' might file a lawsuit against us, they seemed extremely agitated over the whole thing. I told him that we needed to uninvolve ourselves.

Officer Waters: And did he agree?

Jade Carter: Well...no. Connor said that Ms. Harris's behavior was just more reason to keep letting Anna come over, that she obviously had a horrible home life that she needed help escaping from. He said we couldn't just leave her to fend for herself.

Officer Waters: And how did you respond to that?

Jade Carter: I told him we weren't social workers, if he was legitimately concerned for her well being he should notify the proper channels, but that we could be held liable for everything going on by the courts if...I mean, I'm not admitting that there is any sort of case against us, if this is what this interview is about, understand, it's unlikely the Harris' would be able to prove-

Officer Waters: Ms. Carter, you are not under arrest, and you are not under investigation for anything. The Harris's did not ask us to investigate you, and at least at this moment we have no knowledge of their intent to file any lawsuits against you. Obviously I cannot predict what they might do at any point in the future, but we are not conducting this interview with the intent to charge you with anything related to you feeding Anna dinner or allowing her to study in your house.

Jade Carter: I'm just not sure I should continue without a lawyer...I don't want to incriminate myself or give you material which the Harris's might use as an admission of anything, who knows how they might twist things around.

Officer Waters: If you would like to stop, we can do so at any time, but I would really like to hear about your resolution of the Anna issue, like I said, any details we can gather about Anna's life will help us piece together where she might be now.

Jade Carter: Well...I want to help, I just-

Officer Waters: We so appreciate your help Ms. Carter. The entire community does, Anna's friends at school who are worried sick, her extended family who is out searching for her as we speak. Anna touched so many lives and you might just hold the key to getting her home safe and sound.

Jade Carter: I really don't think so but I...oh...okay. I told Connor I thought it best for Anna to not come to our house anymore. Basically, I told him he was welcome to continue tutoring Anna, but it should be at the library or at school, not in our home. He agreed that the compromise could work for him, and we left it at that. That was very recently, but ever since, he's been meeting with Anna at the library.

Officer Waters: And to your knowledge have there been any other incidents with Anna's parents?

Jade Carter: Not that I know of.

Officer Waters: Okay, thank you. So, not to confuse you, but if we could switch gears once again and talk a little more about Connor. Where is Connor from originally?

Jade Carter: Connor is from Connecticut. Why do you need to know that? How could that possibly help Anna. I need you to just be straight with me Officer, what is the purpose of this line of questioning?

Officer Waters: Like I said, we are trying to determine if someone could have given Anna money, or provided her a place to go to get away from her parents-

Jade Carter: Connor would never do something like that!

Officer Waters: Then we simply need to rule him out, and you can help us do that. Now, did he live in Connecticut all his life?

Jade Carter: Yes, he grew up near Concord, in the suburbs.

Officer Waters: And he doesn't retain any property in Connecticut does he?

Jade Carter: No.

Officer Waters: Any other ties to the area?

Jade Carter: Connor's only living relatives are his parents, and they spend their retirement on a boat, traveling the world.

Officer Waters: Okay. Are there any other areas that Connor might know well, maybe that he has lived, or talked about particularly liking to visit?

Jade Carter: No. All of our vacations have been international. Connor lived in DC before moving out here to Frederick, and before that in Connecticut. Those are the only places I've ever heard him mention.

Officer Waters: I think you mentioned that Connor enjoys hiking. Does he enjoy camping as well?

Jade Carter: I've never heard him express a desire to go camping, I wouldn't say he doesn't like it, but since I've known him he has never gone camping.

Officer Waters: And could you remind me what kind of car Connor drives?

Jade Carter: A red BMW convertible.

Officer Waters: And the license plates?

Jade Carter: I don't have them memorized....why does that matter? If you think Connor gave Anna a place to run to it's not like he would have given her his car too.

End Page 8

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