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Ten chapters to go guys! We are so close! I'm sorry my updates have been horribly sporadic lately, I've been out of the country and life has been crazy, but I'm trying to finish this up as quickly as possible so I don't keep you guys in suspense! I hope you've been enjoying the book so far, and I want to thank every single person for reading it. Your comments and likes have given me the motivation to keep writing this, so thank you for helping me to get to the (almost) end of my first ever book!

And now for the big question! Do you think Anna's alive or dead? Tell me your predictions before the big reveal in a few chapters! Do you wish she would survive, or hope she doesn't make it?

<3 Morgan


Connor Alexander Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview

Date: January 21, 2017

Duration: 185 Minutes

Location: Frederick County Sheriff's Office

No. of Pages: 25

Conducted by Officers Brown and Waters

Officer Brown: Connor, you took a young girl across state lines for sex. You kidnapped her. Held her against her will. You are going to jail for a long time. That is not negotiable.

Connor Carter: Oh, but did I do any of those things? See from what I remember, Anna came with me willingly. In fact, it was Anna's idea to leave in the first place. She would tell you that herself but...well she can't can she.

Officer Brown: Exactly. Anna can't corroborate your story. If we don't find her, you have no proof of any of that.

Connor Carter: So it's my word against yours then isn't it? You say I kidnapped Anna, I say she ran away and took me with her. But hey, its innocent until proven guilty right? So, where's your proof exactly?

Officer Brown: We have plenty of proof.

Connor Carter: Oh really? Enlighten me. What might your proof be?

Officer Waters: As if we're going to clue you into our case against you.

Connor Carter: Fair enough. Let me have a go at it then. Anna Harris did not get onto the school bus one morning. No signs of struggle, no one saw anyone take her, her brother simply noticed she was not there, that she must have walked off. After all, no one saw anyone at all nearby. Walking off seems pretty willing to me.

Officer Brown: We-

Connor Carter: Ah, ah, wait I'm not done. A few hours after Anna walked away, she's caught, I believe, on surveillance video selling a car. No one is with her. She buys a new car, speaks with the car seller, all of her own free will. I am not even at the junkyard. If Anna wanted to have the man call 911, if she wanted to go home, I could not have physically stopped her in any way. Now, hows that for willing?

Officer Brown: Just because Anna went willingly at first doesn't mean she was kept with you willingly the whole time.

Connor Carter: Excellent observation officer! And so very true. However, where is your proof that Anna was even with me the whole time? Maybe I was just her vehicle to running away. Maybe after we got far enough, she took off on her own and I lived out the life I wanted, on my own, separately from her. Maybe I don't even know where she is right now.

Officer Brown: I don't think so.

Connor Carter: Unfortunately, thoughts don't often hold up too well in court. Again, see previous reference to lawyer wife.

Officer Waters: Wife, ha. You speak of wife in the present tense, as if she is still your wife.

Connor Carter: Why? Is she not? Has she filed for divorce?

Officer Waters: She-

Officer Brown: Now that sounds like something you would like to know Connor. Why don't you tell us something we want to know and then maybe we'll tell you what you want to know.

Connor Carter: No thanks. See, I'll find out about Jade eventually. And I have all the time in the world. You guys however, aren't quite so lucky. Your time is not quite so limitless is it? So I'm confident you can give me a lot more than news about my wife's potential divorce proceedings. I want to see Jade.


Officer Brown: And what will you tell us, if we let you see Jade?

Connor Carter: If I saw my wife, I might be persuaded to tell you anything I might remember about where Anna might be. Where I last saw her, where she said she was heading to, where her body is. Sorry, it's just so hard to remember details like that right now. Details like, was Anna alive the last time I saw her? Was she dead or just sleeping? Did she leave me? Did I leave her? Did we stay together? I mean, so many questions, so little clarity. But you know what I find brings me clarity. My wife. She always knows just what to say to make me feel better.

Officer Brown: Not good enough Connor. We need the information before we let you see your wife. How do we know you just won't tell us after we let you see her?

Connor Carter: You don't. You don't know that. But I'm not telling you anything until I do. See I know Jade will come to me eventually. In jail. As a free man. In this interrogation room. JAde has questions for me. Questions she will want answered. So I can wait. I'm a patient man. If you've studied my psychological profile at all, you'll know how true that is. So I rest my offer here. If you want me to talk to you about what I may or may not know about Anna, you let me see my wife. After all I'm hardly asking for much. You don't have to give anything up at all. Nothing in your case, no lighter sentence. I'm not asking you to put yourselves out. So I don't think its unreasonable for me to get my demands first. Anna may or may not have limited time, but if you act now, I'm sure we can all reach a happy conclusion to this adventure.


Officer Brown: Officer Waters and I will go discuss your request with our superiors. We will return with an answer.

Connor Carter: Of course. Take your time. Like I said, I have all the time in the world to wait.

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