Out Of The Woods

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"Wow daring a picnic, didn't see you as the picnic type" I said as we were making our way to the secret picnic place me and my family come to on family day. I heard Daring gasp "jeeze CERISE, what are you jocksist" i rolled my eyes.

We continued walking until we came to the spot, see me and daring had become practically joined at the hip, him and rosabella broke up because she said ta DARING no longer needs her, blah blah blah this isn't nanny mcfucking phee, it's darings feeling and his heart which she shattered with her six inch boots.

We reached the clearing and daring was a bit surprised, it was all cleared and there was trees surrounding us along with flowers peeking through the grass every few steps, daring had become a depressed asshole since him and Rosabella broke up a month ago, this is the first time he is leaving his dorm besides going to class this whole moths and that it's self was an achievement.

"Welcome to my humble abode" I heard daring laugh "awww daring was that a laugh" he looked at me with his lovely eyes, see I have had this small obsession with his eyes, they are beautiful and no matter how hard I try I can never find eyes that are like his, they are a unique shade of blue with hints of purple and grey almost like a stormy ocean I guess.

"Ok mr Charming i got lettuce chicken and mayo, blt, turkey and cheese or spaghetti, pick your poison" did we stop at grandmas to get supplies, you bet your ass we did. He played with the stubble on his chin and thought for a little while "I will go with the first one please" I smiled and handed him a lettuce, chicken and mayo sub.

I then grabbed some of the spaghetti out and began eating, DARING got out one of the many varieties of juice boxes stashed inside of the basket until "ahhhh huuuh" he held up a plain jane Apple juice box, I smiled because he actually looked happy.

"Wow, why the hell didn't we do this sooner" he said "because you were chronically depressed and you refused to leave your room besides go to class for a month" I said sarcastically.

"So mr Charming, wannna see something cool" I asked "well that depends what it is" he said "alright close your eyes Daring" he smiled and closed his eyes, I whistled an donut came carmine, she looked like she was going to attack Daring but I scratched behind her ear to make her calm down.

"Alright Daring, open your eyes" i said, he opened his eyes and looked shocked "Jesus Christ" he said, I rose an eyebrow at him "can I tell you a story" I asked him, he nodded.

"Once there was a girl called little red, she was raised by her mother and father, one day her grandmother who lived in the nearby Forrest became ill, so little red traveled into the Forrest completely unaware of who she might meet, she was walking when she heard a noise, she turned around and there was nodody there, she then went to turn back to continue walking when she came Face to face with big bad, her supposed enemy, nobody knew that they had been meeting in the woods quite often and they became very very close until one day they fell in love, they ran away because it was a crime for them to even be friends, they ran away and got married, after a little while little red got pregnant, turns out it was twins, two little girls, when they were born they were both named after each parent, however they were both stuck with a pair of fuzzy brown ears, now the little girl named after red was also cursed with the ears so she spent her whole child hood hiding those ears behind a Scarlett hood until she to found someone that she could trust enough to tell them" I said.

Daring loooked at me for a moment and then "is that how your so fast" I refused to meet his eyes, I nodded and pulled down my hood to reveal the pair of fuzzy ears, I closed my eyes ready for the upcoming rejection and the los of a friendship.

What she was not expecting was to feel daring softly touching them "they're cute" he said, I felt relieved that he didn't try to slit my throat with his sword because I'm an abomination.

"You really think so" I asked, he smiled "cerise let's take a walk" he stood up and held out his hind, I grabbed it and he helped me to my feet.

"Cerise, every family has secrets and to be honest I should have seen this coming, I mean you are the fastest runner at this school" he said "but why are you telling me this" he asked, here goes nothing "because I think you may be my mate" I said "mate as in" he asked "as in mate for life, one true part...." I was cut off by his lips connecting with mine.

Huh weren't as soft as they looked

The end is only the begining

Stay excellent
Xx Lyssa

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