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"Sir I think you have had enough" I said to the staggering man currently sitting at my bar, this was the job that I have had since I was 18.

Sure working at a bar wasn't the most ideal job but it was better than no job I guess.

"Fuck off you stupid bitch" the man yelled causing quite a ruckus, I was not about to deal with this jack ass acting like a douche.

"Chase" I whistled to the security guard, he came over with quite an angry look on his face to make him seem a lot more aggressive than he actually is.

"Is there a problem here" he asked the man, I decided to block them both out because I was tired and didn't want to even acknowledge it.

I was cleaning up after the long night of aggressive drunk men that were always asking me on dates when all they wanted was a 'good time'.

The doors suddenly opened, great another ass hole "were closed" I said as the tall figure came into the light so I could see him.

"Oh shit sorry" he said in a strong English accent, the man that stood before me was quite handsome, actually scratch that he was hot as hell and his accent was...well hot as hell.

"Nah it's alright" I said trying to recover from the mere sight of this greek looking man "what do you want" I asked putting down the cloth I was wiping the bench with.

"Just a beer" he said looking at me through his long eyelashes, God this man was so devilishly good looking it wasn't funny.

"Your shout" I said smiling and taking out two tall beer glasses and filling them up, he walked over towards the bar and sat on one of the stools.

"So obviously your not from here" I said as I walked around the back of the bar to the front "how is t that obvious" he asked as I sat on the stool next to him.

"Your accent" I said with a slight laugh "that and all the locals know when we shut" I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Huh classic American culture" he said sipping the drink "what's that supposed to mean" I asked with a raised eye brow.

"Well in London most pubs are open until like 4 in the morning" he said with a laugh "well here in America we believe in normal sleep patterns and electing douche bags to be president" I shrugged.

"I'm not going to deny that" he said with a million dollar smile that made me melt.

"So what brings you to America, is it the famous football or the pizzas that wouldn't fit in the back of your car" I asked.

"Well actually I was born here but my family decided to pick up and move across the globe but when my girlfriend cheated on me I decided to move back here" he said looking at the bar.

"Oh...sorry" I said awkward lacing my voice, he shook his head "you can make it up to me by showing me around here" he said smiling at me.

"You sneaky dog" I smirked at him "I really have no idea where anything is and honestly I don't really feel like talking to the overly sexuallybactive couple next door" he laughed.

"Alright then, where do you live" I asked and he burst out into a fit of laughter "that's not creepy at all" he said trying to contain his laughter.

"Do you want me to show you around or not" I said trying to be serious "yes, I live across the road" he said smiling.

"Meet me here tomorrow at 9 ok, I have work at 5 so I gotta be back at 4 to get ready" I said as I put the two beer bottles in the bin.

"Deal" he said shaking my hand causing me to blush.

Sorry for not updating in so long, I have been really stressed out at school and not to mention I'm just around the corner from graduating and I'm stressed about university, I will be updating as much as possible as it is my last break before I graduate and I'm trying to spend as much as time as possible with my friends before then.

Darise Oneshots #EAHWattyAwards2017Where stories live. Discover now