The Breakup

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I hated her, from the minute they got together I have always had a deep seeded hatred for her.

Maybe it was the fact that my best friend was spending no time with me or maybe it was the fact that she was just a pure bitch born in the pits of hell.

Yes my best friend cerise Hood has been dating a girl for a little over several months now and well I didn't even know that she was bisexual until they started dating.

I was currently on my way to her house with three large pizzas, two kebabs, a large tub of Ben and jerrys ice cream and of course a bottle of peach iced tea to wash it all down.

Cerise had rang me a little over 20 minutes ago to tell me that she had been cheating on her the whole time.

I didn't like that girl at all and the feeling was pretty mutual between both of us.

I rang the buzzer out the front of her apartment, instantaneously the door was unlocked so I went right in because let's be honest, standing out in the rain is not an activity I enjoy.

I eventually made it up the flight of some 119 steps to be exact and went to knock on her door when "its open" I heard her shout with a blocked nose.

I walked in and immediately I realized how messy her apartment was, all of her blinds were shut and the only light in the place was reflecting of the crappy cooking show off the TV.

"Did you bring food" I heard her ask from her bed, "yes of course I did" I said as I took off my coat and hung it up on the coat rack next to the door.

I grabbed two plates and cups from her kitchen and walked over into cerise's what she called her bedroom.

See last year cerise moved to New York and well she decided to buy out a studio apartment that was all open living and well the renovations took 6 months and still it wasn't finished.

"Hey" I said as a sat down on her bed next to her "hey" she said with a sniffle "come here" I said opening my arms.

She immediately hugged my torso and began crying to her hearts content, I hated seeing cerise like this because it absolutely broke me in half.

After some 45 minutes of her crying I eventually got her to eat something to stop her crying, ahh the magic of pizza.

"Daring" I heard her say "hmm mm" I replied chowing down on a kebab "why do I trust people so easily" she asked me.

I stopped eating and looked at her, the tears were still in her eyes and it was killing me  "I mean it's good to be trusting but it's putting you and your feelings at jeopardy" I said tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Sometimes I wish things could be different" she said closing her eyes, now before you ask do I love cerise.......well obviously, she is the one person who truly understands me and I really do love her.

"Cerise" I said looking at her, she looked at me through those beautiful grey eyes, god she was so beautiful.

"Sometimes I wish you could just be my boyfriend" she muttered under her breath, that was it that was the thing that pushed me.

I couldn't help myself, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. At first i think she was surprised but she eventually placed her small hands on my cheeks and deepened the kiss.

I don't know why but it was like we were teenagers again, my hands were all over her and it felt so good to be touching her.

She suddenly pulled away, her lips looked swollen and she was out of breath panting heavily. I looked into her eyes and I saw a swell of I think regret.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't ha....." she cut me off by placing her thumb on my lip, it immediately shut me up because well I would bow on the ground she walks on.

"You talk to much" she said removing her thumb and replacing it with her soft lips, i knew that it was probably way too soon after her breakup but honestly i didn't care and i don't think she did either.

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