The Book Store (Modern AU)

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Darings POV
After my wife passed away I realised just how much I loved her, when she got sick our relationship had fallen to pieces.

When she passed I found a journal of hers and I soon opened a library in her honour, I named it after her.

I will admit that 6 years is a long time to be alone but I couldn't bring myself to even look at a woman the way that I looked at Rose.

Today had been a pretty quiet day besides the coffee addicted hipsters that came in here asking if I had the newest fifty shades book and of course milk and honey.

I looked down at my watch and realised that it was 5PM time for me to close shop, I got up from my stool and put my book that I was currently engrossed in down.

I walked over to the door and flipped the sign that said that we were shut.

I grabbed the trolley of new books and began walking along the many isles putting them in there order that I had been putting hem in since we opened when suddenly I heard a giggle.

I put down the newest edition of withering heights by Emily Brontë, I followed the sound of giggling and I saw a girl.

She was wearing a red flannel, a pair of short denim shorts, her hair was hidden under a hat and she was wearing a pair of black converse.

"Excuse me miss" I said trying to get her attention but I soon realised that she had earphones in, I sighed and went behind her and tapped her shoulder.

She shrieked "oh my god" she puffed turning around "sorry miss but we are shut" I said looking down at the book that she had in her hands.

"Oh sorry, I get a bit side tracked sometimes" the girl began profusely apologising, the way she was going on reminded me of my late wife.

"No it's fine" I said "oh is it too late for me to buy these" she said pointing at the pile of books on the ground.

I smiled "come on" I said as I took half the pile of books as she took the other.

I was scanning the books when one book in particular caught my attention, it was Pride and the prejudice by Jane Austin, it was roses favourite book.

"You like her work" I asked as I began bagging the books "I love Jane Austin" she said smiling brightly "her writing or her characters" I asked getting reminders of Rose.

"No it's more the fact that I can get drawn in by her books and can sit here for hours reading, when I was in high school I didn't have many friends so books were it for me" she said looking down at her hands.

"Do you like Emily Bronte's work" I asked as I continued scanning the many books "I have always wanted to read her books but I don't know if I would actually like them" she said with a light pink spread across her cheeks.

"She's good" I said as I began placing the many books in plastic bags "huh maybe I could come by tomorrow and get a few of her books" she said as I handed her the books.

"I have never seen you around, are you new to town" I asked as she was standing there awkwardly "is it that obvious" she said smiling at me.

"Well if you u need a job I have a vacant position" I said looking at the sign on the desk "really" she asked as her eyes lit up.

"Yeah" I said with a small smile on my face.

"When can I start" she asked "tomorrow if you want" I said smiling at her "oh wow thank you so much Daring" she said looking at my name tag.

"Alright see you tomorrow...." I waited for her to tell me her name "Cerise" she said as she opened the front door.

When I shut the door I felt something in my stomach....was it butterflies.....

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