1845 (AU)

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We pulled up out the front of the Charming manor, see my father and lord Charming decided to get me and his only  son to marry to bring more power to them. I have never met him nor know his name but this doesn't feel right, I have barely even spoken to a male before so I'm not really sure how to approach the male species.

"Miss Wolf" the carriage door opened "thank you" I curtsied after I pulled myself out of the carriage, I gasped at the mere size of it, it was much bigger than ours but that made sense considering I was hand picked by the most powerful lord on the country to Mary his only heir.

"Ahh Cadium, good to see you made it" I looked over to see a man about the same age ad my father "hello bold, good to be here" I watched as my father shook the mans hand.

"Ahh yes, I would like you to meet my daughter Cerise" I curtsied and he bowed "it's a pleasure to meet such a fine young lady" the man said and i smiled "come in, come in, we have been waiting for you" me and dad followed him in.

We walked in and I basically blocked them off because they were talking, the house was absolutely breathtaking, the inside was all white with gold accents. There was a spiral staircase and the floors were so clean that I could see my reflection, they were tiles.

I heard someone walking around up stairs "father, I think they are here" I heard a voice say, I looked over towards the stairs and I saw a boy, he was about the same age as me, blonde hair, he was impeccably dressed and had a very sculpted face.

"Ahh there he is" my father said as he was walking down the stairs, he was looking directly at me. His gaze was piercing, like he was looking into my soul just by simply looking in my eyes.

"Hello Mr Wolf" he said and shook my fathers hand, my father acknowledged him "hello Daring son, how have you been" he said "swell, and you sir" he asked, my father simply nodded.

"Right kids, we will let you two get to know each other alright, son we will be in the study" said the man, and with that they had disappeared, I turned to my future husband, he was looking at me again with those piercing eyes.

"Hello, my name is Daring" he said, I put my hand out and he kissed it "Cerise" I said blushing like a fool "come, I shall give you the tour" he said and held his arm out, I linked my arm with his and we began walking.

After some 40 minutes "and this is the best part" I had basically ignored him the whole time because if I was being honest it was boring me to death, I had taken a few sips of my rum that I stole and put in my flask before we had come here.

He opened up a set of double doors and "woah" I said quite surprised, it was a balcony that overlooked not only the property but half of the surrounding lands "so how was the rum" he asked "uhhh what rum" I said, he shook his head and smiled.

"The one in your bodest" he said "sorry" I said laughing "it's alright, so how do you feel about this whole situation" he asked "oh you know, don't really get a say in it huh" I said frowning "well when we marry, I will let you do as you please" he said.

I looked up at him and noticed that he is quite attractive "why" I asked "well a beautiful girl like you doesn't belong in a room all day learning about etiquette" he said, I grabbed his hand "I think I'd like that" I said with tears rolling down my cheek, I had never felt so free.

The End Is Only The Beginning
Xx Lyssa

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