Can I Help You (Modern AU)

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Now before I start I would like to tell you that the following stories will all be connected one after the other, so with out further ado I commence my writing.

Daring POV
I watched her, she was one of the most beautiful girls that I have ever seen. I met her in winter last year just before Christmas, she was just a freshman and i a sophomore.

I had only just broken up with my 'high school sweet heart' as my mother likes to call her. Rosabella beauty, now don't get me wrong she was beautiful and honestly I was in love with her.

Well that was until I walked in on her fucking my roommate, long story short I broke up with her and she was not happy about it.

Anyways back to Her, I was sitting in my business Studies class procrastinating wether or not I should move back to my home town with my parents and just go to a community college.

Then I was interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder, I turned around and I saw this beautiful, angelic like girl.

Her hair was the colour of an oak tree in the cold cold winter, her face was completely flawless and she wasn't even wearing any makeup, her eyes were the colour of a swirling thunderstorm.

"Ahh sorry do you have a pen that I could borrow" her sweet voice asked me, I don't know what it was about her but I couldn't form a proper sentence around her.

"Pen, yes" I handed her my pen that I had been fiddling with just some 30 seconds ago "uhhhh thanks" she said with a small smile tugging on her lips.

"Yep sure" I said, I turned back around and shook my head, smooth daring real smooth. I went back to thinking but for some reason I didn't want to leave.

So here we are now, I'm looking at her she is with her friends and they are talking and all of a sudden I hear the angels beautiful laughter.

We had spoken quite a bit because well we were given a group presentation and we had to work in pairs because it was only us left.

Her skin was like a perfect summers day, her hair is so soft and shiny and don't even get me started on her perfume.

Today she was wearing a pink sweater and a pair of jeans, an outfit that was so simple looked absolutely breath taking.

I was so captivated by her that I basically didn't notice her looking over at me with a weird expression.

I quickly grabbed my text book and began pretending to read it, I removed my glance from the book and noticed that she was gone, I sighed in relief that she was gone because that could have turned really awkward.

"Boo" I heard someone say behind me as they covered my eyes "hmmmmm I wonder who that could be" I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on daring, take a guess" she said "well I don't know maybe Cerise Hood" I said as I heard her scoff "how did you know" she said as she took her hands off my eyes.

"I don't know, maybe your voice" I said smiling up at her as she bent down in front of me "can I help you" she asked "well I don't know, can you" I said with an almighty grin.

She rolled her eyes and stood up "in your dreams charming" she said and began to walk away "well I don't know if I will be in your dreams but you will certainly be in mine" I yelled across the grounds.

She spun around "have fun dreaming about me daring" she said "only if you will dream about me" I yelled, she smiled "maybe one day daring" she said and with that she was gone.

Stay Excellent
Xx Lyssa

Darise Oneshots #EAHWattyAwards2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora