Rehursal Dinner

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"Were getting married" she sang in the most high pitched voice known to man, I know that I shouldn't be annoyed but I couldn't help it.

I was pissed off, it was a small three days since daring had spoken to me about breaking up with her but obviously his father had gotten in the way of that.

His father was the kind of man that once he wanted something it was going to happen weather you like it or not.

Her voice kept me awake at night, the high pitched squeal that kept repeating itself over and over again was hurting my head.

Yes this wedding had come up so quickly it was almost unbelievable.

I tugged on my dress that Rosabella made me wear for the rehearsal dinner, it was extremely tight on me that if I bent over it would probably bust at the seams.

I found myself sitting alone at the bar where I was drinking my worries away, I know I shouldn't have been sad but I just was and I couldn't help it.

"I think that's enough cerise" I heard a very familiar voice sat behind me, it was Chase darlings former fling who happened to still be a very close family friend.

"Oh come on, if I have to deal with this bullshit love fest then I should be atleast allowed to drink my sorrows away" I slammed the plastic cup on the bench.

"Why haven't you told him yet, he hates that he has to marry rose and you know it" he said taking a seat next to me on one of the bar stools.

"Because even if I told him it would result in me loosing my best friend and being left with a heart that is torn to shreds"'I said putting my head into my arms on the bench.

I don't know how long I sat there thinking but Chase eventually left probably still trying to talk to the elusive charming daughter.

"Cerise where are you" I heard Rosabella voice echoing through the grand hall of the charming mansion.

I stood shakily from my bar stood when suddenly the bright light shon in my eyes practically blinding me.

I made my way up to the makeshift stage not missing grabbing a glass of champagne off one of the waiters walking around.

"Hello everyone" I said into the microphone after ripping it out of Rosabella's grip.

"I was given the honour of writing a speech for this extremely happy occasion" I continued still shaky on my feet.

"When you choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is supposed to be the most important decision any of us make, unfortunately daring doesn't get to choose, when life is wrong it turns grey and you don't even realise until you wake up one morning and realise the years have gone by, daring your friendship has brought beautiful beams of colour into my life, you have been their for me in both my darkest times and also some of my brightest times and I'am eternally grateful for you being in my life" I continued ignoring the gasps of Rosabella.

"I hope I never took our friendship for granted, I think maybe sometimes I did because sometimes you don't realise that the best thing that's happened to you is sitting right there right under your nose but it's totally fine as well, I have realised that no matter how far away you are, what your doing or who your with I will always love you" with the hot tears brimming in my eyes I walked off the stage.

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