Chapter 4/General Samael

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AN/Picture Alex Pettyfer as The Dark Young man. Hey OnwardMonster check out the dedication. 

Saturday Morning Vicky's cafe. 

The cafe had been full of happy chatter but now it all stopped suddenly like someone had cut the cheese with the power of a hippopotamus with a digestive disorder. I recognized the town sheriff called Al. Al was a tall heavily built man, with a kindly face and was generally so relaxed it looked like a Dali watch. With Al was a man with a black baseball cap from Homeland defense. He was young with a fresh face and clear brown eyes. The man held up a piece of paper with some writing in crayon on it.

Near the door stood another man ( I guess ) in a large yellow biological contamination suit. There was a large plastic window in the yellow bag around his head. Under the bag his face was covered with complex gas mask hiding his eyes and mouth. For a second I wondered if perhaps he was a lost extra from Arrival. If he or she said this was a 'Non-zero sum game' I would know.

You could hear his rasping of the breathing apparatus. He looked and sounded like a dangerous combination of Darth Vader, and a mutant yellow canary bird. The anonymous yellow biological isolation suit had a name badge with the words 'General Samael' written on it. He stood there saying nothing just breathing heavily like Melissa McCarthy had just climbed 30 flights of stairs. I had heard that during the emergency members of the military and government had isolated themselves from infection. The 'uninfected' still ran stuff, but it would only take a small cut in his suit to either kill him or make him as dumb as the rest of us. This was the first time I had every seen any one this important in real life.

"I am Captain Nass of the department of homeland difference." The man with the black baseball cap began " And this is a court order to enter this here parfait. Now don't mis-under estimate me, by order of General Samael I have the lethal right to arrest anyone while in pursuit of the dispossessed."

What he held could have been a court order but from behind the counter the writing looked like a shopping list. Ice ran through my veins, they had found me. I desperately tried to think of something stupid to say in case they tried to arrest me. Unfortunately, the only thoughts that passed through my mind where 'you can't arrest me I'm dumber than you look'. Nothing worked for me, sometimes I wish I could control my sass factor when stressed.

The general wrote something on a small sheet of whiteboard. Perhaps the general was Dr. Louise Banks after all. I could see the writing 'Arrest him' on the board. The general in the biological isolation suit pointing at Mr. Wallace.

"It's OK John," said Al the sheriff to Mr. Wallace, "these men just want to ask you some questions. Leave you naked in a cold cell for a couple of days, possibly punch you, kick you, deny you food, water and access to legal council. It's all routine" said Al calmly putting his handcuffs on Mr. Wallace's out stretched hands.

"It's OK I've flown with United Airlines before," said Mr Wallace. 

I knew they were Al's handcuffs because he had lost his own and had to buy a replacement pair with a fluffy pink feathers on from a sex shop.

"You see nothing to be worried about," said Captain Nass nicely standing so you could see the black 'Homeland Deference' tee-shirt.

More soldiers in Homeland Deference' tee-shirts with weapons stood outside the cafe and a couple stood behind the Biohazard general.

"Well if you say it's OK," said Wallace looking around. He caught my eye.

"Will you bring be back? It's a labyrinth out there. I don't want to get lost" said Wallace looking me. His face was like a polite turkey before thanks giving.

"Sure, I'd be delighted to take you home " said Al in a very sorry tone "that or dump your body in a shallow grave in the wilds beyond the freeway. But only if they kill you accidentally like the last one. Eitherway I'd be happy to help you after, John."

The soldiers took Mr. Wallace away, the general left and the man with 'Homeland Deference' tee-shirt went up to Mr. Smith.

"You read books do you?" Captain Nass said to Mr. Smith as he approached.

"If you call the bible a book then yes" said Mr. Smith.

"Luckily I don't" Captain Nass said getting very close to Mr. Smith. "We're watching you," he said pointing at his face with two fingers then pointing them at Mr. Smith "I'm just saying we are watching you."

"I thought you watched everybody," said Mr. Smith.

"We do watch everybody," said Captain Nass. "we watch everybody and you."

Captain Nass looked at the silent crowd.

"There is nothing to see." he said "This is Jedi business" and walked off with the sheriff and the others. When he was done I looked up and noticed Mr yellow bio-General had peeled away as well.

I froze. I wondered if I was a bad person for not standing up for Mr. Wallace? I had my mother, sister, not to mention an attack cat called Rover to look after. I guess it was like that when they took my dad away. I was scared. Scared like car head lights turning a doe into china, scared. I didn't feel good abut the way I had felt glad it wasn't me.

I got back to making the coffee and handed it over to Alexander and his sister. As I handed the coffee to him I touched Alexander's hand, it felt light lightning was being channeled through him to me. Even so, I knew what I had to say.

"I'm sorry, I'm busy tonight," I said. I said with as much honesty as a bitch.

Alexander looked at me in a confused way.

"I don't take no for an answer," he said.

I looked at him with my best 'If you want a slice of me you need more than a cake fork.' expression. I used it a lot but I don't think he understood the concept of someone actually refusing him.

"Would you take 'on' backwards as an answer?" I said. I wanted to say 'So if the question was do you want me to stop this SUV dropping on you. What would you say?', but it was too smart. I had to fit in.

"I'll think about it." he said.

'That should keep you occupied for the week' I thought.

Alexander's sister stormed off.

"I'll see you later," Alexander said carrying their coffee away.

I shook my head squeezing the last shot of coffee out.

"You don't want me," I said "I'm like my coffee, dark, bitter and far too hot for you."

"Nine it is," said Alexander leaving. Mr Playboy billionaire reminded me of genocide, the black death and acid jazz, all equally insufferable. 


A/N That's the chapters for today. Join us 16:45 UK Time on Sunday for the next chapter(s).   We hoped you enjoyed this chapter and we haven't laughed this much while writing science Cyborg's pet. I think you will agree the queen of sass is back. Please show her some love. RK. 

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