Chapter 9/ Bone Yard

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Photo: Kaitlyn's world at night Rings of space junk around the earth. 

My dad's voice on the answering machine message had changed things for me. Initially, I was curious about what Mr Wallace was so keen to protect. Now I possibly had a link to finding my dad or at least the people who knew him and could answer questions. I needed answers worse than a junkie needed a fix and Ricky Gervais needed new material. 

It was Tuesday. I had Snuck out and I walked to the bone yard at night. From my house, it only took about thirty minutes walk to the edge of town where it was. I had climbed out of my bed got dressed and grabbed my school bag. If anyone asked I was going to school - I had reset my clock to show it was time to get up. Fortunately, Mom didn't stop me she was sleeping. The bone yard was big, it didn't have a working fence, I knew where I was because the ground started to crunch beneath my feet. I wasn't sure if the yard was scarier at night - in the dark you couldn't see the bones. People rarely came her so it would be a good place to meet up quietly.

I sat down near a mountain of unidentifiable bones. I looked up, the sky was quite bright. The silver rings around earth grew from the horizon to my left arced, over head and landed to my right like a Dimond rainbow. We were getting to the time of year were micrometeorites - tiny bits of the satellites would hit the atmosphere and drop down like raindrops made from lead bullets. The odds of something hitting were low but that didn't stop people buying umbrellas to 'stop micrometeorites dead'. Once those bits had been GPS satellites or Weather satellites, now they were struck dumb like the planet which they surrounded. So many bits were still landing every year someone died getting hit by a bit of falling ring.

I waited at midnight on Tuesday night hoping I was in the right place. I kept looking at my watch and for some reason time had slowed down just at 11:56.

"Come on stupid clock be tomorrow already," I said shaking the phone Alex Strong gave me.

"Don't be too keen on tomorrow. Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, but today... today is a gift. That's why we call it the present." said a voice.

I looked up to a man's voice. He was hiding in the dark.

"Dad is that you?" I said. I wasn't sure but it didn't make sense if Dad was the man on the phone then why hadn't he come to see us?

"No I'm not your father Lucy, but your father is not the man you knew." said the man.

"Who are you?" I asked him moving towards hum.

"My name is not important. What is important is what you want to do with your name" said the man.

"I don't get it," said getting closer. "just going back. Did you know my father Gary?"

"What makes you think my name is Gary? They call me the Professor" said the man.

"Do you know where he is?" I said.

"No one really knows where they are." the man said slowly "The best you can ask is when you are."

I wondered about this for a second. The message had said I had passed the first test. Which implied there would be others. I had figured out that the test was there to make sure non of the infected would find the phone number. Here was an infected guy clearly trying to sound like he wasn't infected. He was still clueless. Perhaps he was another puzzle design to protect the maze.

"What is at the center of the maze?" I asked. In the distance I heard the kind as a diesel engine of some digger start up.

"That which was always there. Knowledge. Now, why don't you come for a walk with me" said the man.

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