Chapter 16 - Say No to This

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Hi, I am sorry in advance

TW: gay slurs, a lot of assholes and #don'tblamemaria

Maria's POV

"MARIA" I heard a voice I could identify as Thomas Jefferson whisper-shout from behind my door. I whined and checked the time, rolling out of bed.

1am jfc god save my soul

I pulled on a jumper and opened the door reluctantly, flipping off Thomas immediately.

"Hush up, dickhead, Theo's sleeping" I retorted. I hated Thomas with a deep passion, a very deep passion.

"I need your help" he said.

"I'll help you when hell freezes over" I replied, my voice still an angry whisper.

"James Reynolds is involved. You don't want to get in anymore shit with him.... do you? You know what he will do"

"What is wrong with you? You can't just say that to me you know what happened with us!" I nearly screamed but controlled my temper enough to keep my voice soft.

"Fine, I'll call him, and you can go back to your life as a slut"

"Never talk to me that way. What happened in the past happened in the past"

"I will call him. I'll call him right now, if you don't help me" I looked over my shoulder to make sure Theo was still sleeping.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"If you help, I'll set you up with Peggy"

"We're already dating I don't need your help" I spat at him, putting air quotes when I said 'help.'

"So you already got the money, good on ya girl"

"I'm not dating her for money, asshole, I love her, now what do you want? Anymore blabber about my love life and I'll throw you out a window"

"I need you to help me fuck up hamilton's life" Thomas smirked.

"No!" I screamed, convering my mouth instantly. "He's my friend"

"Ok then I'll just call James Reynolds" he said, pulling out his phone.

"No! No! Fine, what do you want?" I replied, defeated. I had a really bad feeling about this.

Thomas led me to his dorm where I saw a big binder of files resting on his bed, in front of James Madison.


"No! I told you already he's my friend. He's also one of the few people who don't slut shame me" I glared after Jefferson told me his plan.

Thomas rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Just sending a text"

Not even a minute later the door swung open and James Reynolds walked in.

Let Everybody Know - LAMSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ