Chapter 16 :)

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-Niall's P.O.V- 
I was half awake half asleep, because Juliet was twitching, from a bad dream I was guessing. I was about to wake her up, but she did herself. I sprung up, she was trembling. She looked over. I rubbed her back.

"I'm so sorry Nialler. Go back to sleep." She said, her voice shaky. I shook my head.

"Please, what happened." I said still rubbing her back. I'm actually worried, she would usually tell me.

"I-I-I'll be right back." She said, walking out towards the attic. I would've followed her, but I think it was something about her brother. I looked over, and it was 2 am. I heard Juliet in the kitchen, so I hid behind a wall. She had her hair up, in a messy bun. I could hear her sniffling. I saw what seemed like a million photos on the ground, of her, Jack, and her Mom. Some were just her and Jack.  She picked up a picture, I couldn't make it out what it was. I was about to walk out there and comfort her, but I felt someone grab my shirt to stop me. They turned me around, and it was Liam. 

"Liam, what are you doing up?" I said, whispering.

"I heard the attic open, and I was scared. Let Juliet be, I think she needs this. Go upstairs mate. She'll be okay." Liam said, rubbing my shoulder. I turned and looked at Juliet one more time, seeing her get up towards the front door. I nodded, and went back upstairs. I laied down on my bed, but I heard Juliet screaming. I ran towards my window. I saw my baby yelling at the wind, shouting for her brother to come back for her. I felt tears go down my face. I can only imagine the pain that she has gone through for so many years. Watching Juliet cry and shout for her brother was like watching a baby die. I was feeling terrible, and I wanted to go out and help her. But then, I saw the stranges thing. The wind had picked up, and I saw a boy like figure, only for a few seconds. It looked like a ghost, or 'angel.' He bent down and touched Juliet's shoulder, and then he disaperred. I stared out the window in disbelief. I hadn't noticed that Juliet was behind me again. 

"Hi.." She said, sniffling.

"Baby." I said, ran and hugged her, bringing her over to the bed. She sobbed into my chest, and I rubbed her back, comforting her. She told me about her dream, and how Jack just ran out and died. 

"I would never, ever do that to you. These lips will only kiss yours, and mean it." I said. She looked up, smiled, and I kissed her. I was in love with her, and I can't wait to marry her.

[9 months later, the wedding is in 2 days :D]

Lou and Eleanor got married 2 weeks ago, and Eleanor was already pregnant. they are having a girl, and naming it Julie, in honor of Juliet. 

Harry and Caroline have 2 kids, a beautiful girl named Jenny(1 year old) and a handsome boy named Adam(8 months old).

Liam and Danielle did try, but Danielle had a miscarridge. Her body was too weak to have a baby, but Liam still loves her as much as he did when they first met. In fact, he said he falls in love with her more and more everyday. But hey, doesn't everyone? Danielle and Liam have been thinking about adoption.

As for Zayn and Stasia, they had 3 children. A beautiful girl named Dianna(2 years old), A amazing boy named Ryan(1 year old), and another boy, named Cameron(6 months old)

As for Niall and Juliet, well nothing but a wedding in 2 days.

-Niall's P.O.V-

It was 3 am, and I couldn't sleep. I was marrying the girl of my dreams in 2 days. I looked over to Juliet, who was awake also, looking up.

"I'm nervous." I whispered. She giggled.

"Me too." She said. I grabbed her hand. she played with my thumb, and giggled again.

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