Chapter 20 whadduppp xx

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Tanks for readling :'D 

On with the story !


-Juliet's P.O.V-

I woke up that morning, in Niall's arms. I smiled, but then I felt terrible. I slowly lifted Niall's arm off me, and ran to the bathroom. I puked inside the toliet, feeling so much more coming up. I felt Niall's hands on my neck, pulling my hair back. 

"Thanks." I said, calming down.

"Anytime Baby." He said, rubbing my back.

"You don't have to help m-" I was cut off by more puke. Niall patted my back, and giggled.

"No, I want too. I vowed to help you." He said. I smiled. It's been 2 minutes, I think I was done.

"I love you, and I would kiss you if I hadn't have threw up.."  I told him so I just hugged him. He pulled back, and kissed my cheek.

"Juliet are you uhm.." Niall started. 

"If I were, would you be happy or.." I said, thinking he didn't want kids yet. Surprisingly, he kissed me. Passionatly.

"I do. I just want to know, so I can celebrate." He smiled. 

"Niall, I just puked." I said. 

"I don't care, you need to know that I'll love you no matter what." He smiled. I smiled.

"Uhm, I'll go ask Danielle for a test." I said, walking down the hallway. I knocked on Danielle and Liam's suite, and Liam answered. Oi, awkward.

"Good Morning Mrs. Horan !" Liam said, hugging me.

"Morning Mr. Payne !" I said, hugging back, but he pulled away a bit grossed out.

"I'm sorry. I've been a bit sick, and I was wondering if Danielle was awake?" I asked shyly.

"Yes, she is. Sorry about my reaction." He smiled. 

"It's fine." I giggled. 

"Dani, It's Mrs. Horan !" Liam yelled.

Danielle sprinted into my arms. I spun her around as we squealed.

"MRS. JULIET HORAAANN !" Danielle shouted.

"GOOD MORNINGG !" I shouted.

"What can I do for you my lovely ?" She asked, playing with my hair.

"I was wondering if you had any pregency tests.." I said, slowly. Her eyes went big, and slowly started to smile.

"Yeah, come inside. You're in a tank top and shorts missy." She said, pulling me inside. She pulled me right past Liam, who closed the door behind us.

"Can't stay too long, my husband is waiting for me." I told Danielle. She giggled, as she gave me one.

"Thank you so much, Danielle. Sorry if I was interputting anything." I hugged her.

"Of course not ! Just watching some t.v" Danielle said. I walked over and hugged Liam.

"See you guys later !" I said, heading out the door. I felt someone jump on my back, and it was Eleanor.

"MRS. JULIET HORAN IS GIVING ME A PIGGY BACK RIDDDEE !" She screamed. I laughed so hard at her. She jumped off my back, and noticed a test in my hands. I quickly hid it behind my back, but Lou took from behind me.

"Damn you." I muttered. He kissed my cheek, and smiled. Louis and Eleanor looked at the test, and up at me, wide eyed.

"I didn't take it yet... I was throwing up this morning so.." I explained. Louis threw it back to me, and Eleanor squealed.

"It's not official yet !" I told them. They both hugged me, and we said to met somewhere for lunch later. I opened the door, and I saw Niall on the phone.

"Yes, this is him. Okay, cool." He said, putting the phone on speaker.

"Who is it?" I mouthed.

"some magazine. someone won a contest, so they get a phone call from Niall Horan." He told me. I giggled, and kissed his cheek.

"I'm going to go take the test.." I told him. He looked up, and smiled huge.

"Good." He hugged me.

"I'll love you, no matter what it is." He told me. I nodded.

"I love you too baby." I said back. I took the test, and walked into the bathroom.

"Here goes nothing.." I told myself.

I waited for what felt like forever, until I heard a tiny beep from the stick. I was trembling, I was too scared to look at it. I heard a knock, and scared myself.

"Are you alright ?" Niall asked. I opened the door.

"I'm too scared to look at it.." I told him. He gave me a Horan Hug.

"You can do this." He told me. I took a deep breath, and looked at the stick.

"Positive.." I told him. His grip tighted on my shoulder, as he smiled to largest smile he has ever shown since we've met.

"I'm going to be a..?" He stuttered. I nodded, smiling.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DAD ?" He shouted, jumping up and down. I nodded, as I started to cry happy tears. Niall pulled me in for a hug.

"What's wrong baby ?" He asked.

"I-I'm going to be a Mom !" I shouted. 

"I'm so happy." I told Niall. He smiled, and kissed me. It turned into a make-out session, until I pulled away.

-Niall's P.O.V-

I'M GOING TO BE A FREAKING DAD ! I'm going to love this child until it hurts ! I would so cry, but I've never cried for being happy before !

"Juliet I love you." I said.

"I love you too baby !" She said, jumping into my arms. I spun her around, and we opened our door. We looked at each other, and smiled.

Juliet knocked rather loudly on Harry's door, than Liam's door, while I knocked loudly on Lou's door and Zayn's door. 

"WAKE UPP !!" Juliet shouted.

"GET THE HELL UP, WE HAVE NEWWWWSSSSSS !!!!!!!" I screamed. Our friends all threw their doors open, looking pissed, and happy.

"WHAT !" they all shouted. Juliet and I were in the center of the hallway.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DAD !" I shouted. The boys all ran and hugged me.

"I'M GOING TO BE A MOTHER !!" The girls ran and jumped ontop of Juliet, while the boys were tackling me. Then, they switched. The Guys piled ontop of Juliet, while the girls surrounded me. It was so funny, I'm so blessed to have these people in my life !


Short Chapter is shirt, BUT NOT THE LAST !

The last chapter will say something like "Chapter *number* [DA END]" :'D


THAT'S RIGGGHHHTTT. Omg it was so cute how we found out though. On Facebook, she did one of  those question things, and it had 4 choices it. It was like

"I am...




Al of the above"



AND SHE SAID YEAH. THESE ARE HER FIRST CHILDERNS ! I'm going to love these kids so much it hurts.

SO HAPPY EASTER GUYS ! Lots of Love ! and what do you guys think #zap means ? I think it means wish, cause Liam tweeted "Zap I could drive." Idk, just a thought ! :) x

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