Untitled Part 9

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Voight was outside his daughter's room listening in and he just heard that Jordan was being physically and mentally abused by her ex, he felt his blood boiling. His mind was going a hundred miles an hour and wasn't thinking clearly, he whipped his phone out and dialed Antonio.

-Dawson. Antonio answered.

-Antonio get Mouse to pull up everything he can on Michael Roberts now. Voight said in a demanding voice.

-Isn't that Jo's ex boyfriend?

-Yeah I want everything on him before then I want Olinsky and Ruzek to go pick him up.

-You got it Sarge.

Voight then hung his phone up and went to his daughter's room, when the door opened Jordan put her head down in shame and held onto Erin's hand.

"You heard didn't you?" Jordan asked her father.

"Yeah". He answered.

"I'm so so sorry dad, he kept saying he would stop but he didn't then when I couldn't take it anymore I told him I would go to you if we didn't break up".

"Jo why not say something? He could have killed you".

"I wanted to when he first hit me I wanted to tell Erin, Jay, Adam, anyone but he said if I told anyone that he would kill me. Like I told Erin I'm not a hundred percent sure but Michael could be following me".

"Jordy how did you hide all the bruises?" Erin asked.

"The ones on my face I just used some of your make up, for the more serious ones I went to see Gabby after school and had her patch me up some".

"Gabby knew?"

"I made up some lie but she figured it out after awhile, she told me to tell Antonio and after the last time she patched me up I was going too. One day after she patched me up I was walking to the District to finally say what was going on, I always keep my guard up and I'm always aware of my surroundings but that day I didn't know Michael had been following me. As I was walking something didn't feel right I shrugged it off and kept walking next thing I know Michael came up behind me dragging me to an alley, he told me if I tell anyone he'll kill me then go after Justin. He sprained my wrist that day, he said I was worthless, nobody loved me anyway, he said that you were stuck with me because my mom didn't want me".

"Oh Jordy". Erin sighs sadly, she brushes the tears off of Jordan's face that began streaming down.

"I didn't know if he would do something to one of you, Justin, heck I didn't know if he would do something to Olive or Daniel".

"Did you fight back?" Voight asked.

"All the time but when I did that's when it got worse. Could he have done this to me?"

"Were not sure yet sweetie". Erin replies.

Jordan then looked over to her father who was trying to keep his cool.

"Daddy, please don't be mad please. I know I should have said something sooner".

"I'm not mad at you sweetheart but next time say something please, I don't wanna get a call and something happened to you".

"I promise".

"Jo other than Gabby did anyone else know about what was going on?"

"Yeah, Justin caught me one morning I was covering a black eye and he came in and saw he wanted me to tell him everything and I did. I begged Justin not to say anything he told me either I tell you or he will. One day after school Michael found me he was pissed because Justin went to him and threatened him, he beat me up so bad I went back to Gabby and she told me the same thing Justin did only this time she would tell Antonio. I don't know if she did or not".

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