Chapter 6: Prelude to a Date Night

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A/N: Reading you guys' reviews and comments totally makes my week!  Thank you so much for reading what I write and giving me feedback.  I'd love to hear any ideas you all have for this story or any suggestions for future stories as well.  You guys rock!

Rory was just walking out of Chilton, relieved for the week to be over, when she saw her mom walking across the parking lot toward her.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Rory greeted her excitedly when she saw her.

"I'm coming to steal my granddaughter for the weekend.  I figured that you could use some rest.  Where is she?"

"Oh, she got sick yesterday at school so she had to stay home today as well, but she's actually feeling better."

"Why didn't you tell me, sweets?  I would have taken off and kept her for you.  Where is she?"

"Umm...about that, Mom..." Rory started awkwardly.

"Is she okay?" Lorelai asked, obviously worried.

"Of course, she's great.  It's just...maybe we could walk to the cafe across the street and grab a coffee and talk?  Everything is great, I promise."

"You're really worrying me, kiddo, but let's get that coffee."

"Great.  Let me just drop my bag in the car and we can be on our way," Rory replied without even thinking about the fact that she was driving Finn's car.  She walked over to the Porsche absentmindedly and dropped her bag in the seat before locking it and walking back to her mom.

"Rory, honey, is there something that you need to tell Mommy?" Lorelai asked as she looked back and forth between the Porsche and her daughter.

"Actually, there is, but first coffee."

The pair walked across the street, ordered coffee and sat down in a booth before Rory began the conversation.

"So, last weekend I ran into an old friend from Yale when I was at the zoo with Emma.  He was there with his niece, and we ended up spending the day together at the zoo and then getting pizza with both girls.  Then he invited us out for breakfast the next morning, but I ended up having him over and cooking for him.  He cooked dinner for us on Monday and took Em and I out on Wednesday.  He came to bring me breakfast and check on me Thursday morning and was here when I got the call about Em being sick, and he offered to take her for the day because he was working from home.  He stayed with us in the guest room last night because he wanted me to be able to get a good night's sleep, and then he kept Em today as well."

"Wow, that sounds like one heck of a man.  Who is it?  Marty?"

"No, not Marty.  That's the weird part.  It's actually Finn," Rory replied quietly.

"Finn as in Emma's father's best friend?" Lorelai asked shocked.

"That's the one.  He's a much more mature Finn than he was at Yale.  He told me on the day that we ran into each other that he would have been there for us, all of the old gang would have, actually, if they had known.  But umm...well, I think we're kind of seeing each other."

"Whoa, that is big news, kid.  You haven't dated anyone since Logan, and while I definitely think you should move on, I'm a little surprised.  Why Finn?"

"He's amazing, Mom.  You should see him with Emma.  He obviously adores her, and she is smitten with him, too.  He's so good to both of us.  He's promised me that even if we don't work out, he'll still be in our lives.  He's so kind and thoughtful.  It feels like I'm starting to figure out that there's been this missing piece for the last five years, and maybe he'll be that piece permanently, or maybe he won't, but I want to try."

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