Chapter 39: Amazing

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"That's it, Love.  We're all unpacked," Finn said proudly as he broke down the last box from their move.  They'd closed on the house a week ago and spent countless hours over the last week getting things moved, unpacked, and settled in the new house.  His house had sold in record time and they Rory's old house was now under contract as well.  They were truly moving toward their new life as a family with nothing holding them back.

The wedding plans had come along quite nicely with everything falling into place easily.  Of course, they had more than enough money between the two of them in order to ensure that everything was taken care of.  Rory had a nice nest egg between her trust fund and the money from her book, Gilmore Girls, and Finn and his family were wealthy in their own right.  It brought him great pride to realize that his family would never have to want for anything.  Now they were just about a month away from their wedding, and he couldn't possibly be any happier.

He looked up in time to see Rory looking around the open living and dining area and smiled peacefully.  "I can't believe that this is our home," she whispered as she walked into his open arms and cuddled into his side.  "It's just all so...real."

Finn chuckled silently.  "Is just now feels real, Love?" he teased.  "I could have sworn it was pretty damn real from the moment I ran into you at the zoo."

"You know what I mean!" she exclaimed exasperatedly.  "It's just so amazing to see our lives coming together so completely.  There's no going back to our separate houses or lives.  It's all ours now - the house, the cars.  And most amazingly, Emma," she added softly.  "You're such an amazing father to her."

Finn wrapped his arms around her more tightly and sighed contentedly.  "You and Emma are my everything, Rory," he said softly.  "I love being a family man; it's everything I could ever want.  You, me, Emma...maybe another little one someday soon."  He and Rory had decided that they wanted to add to their family soon, especially given that they're both in their thirties now, and she had quit taking the pill when her last pack ran out.  They'd been using condoms for the last month in order to ensure that she wasn't pregnant before the wedding.

"You know," Rory began coyly, "even if we got pregnant now, we'd just be finding out when we got married.  I certainly wouldn't be showing..." she trailed off.

Finn smiled broadly and turned her toward him so he could look into her beautiful blue eyes.  "Love, are you saying that you're certain you're ready?" he asked hopefully.  He thought of Emma as his daughter, and biology would never change that, but to think of a little mixture of him and Rory growing inside her...that was just overwhelmingly good. 

"I'm absolutely certain, Finn.  I know that we want at least one more, and I don't want to wait any longer.  I've lived my entire life being afraid of making decisions, making the wrong decisions, but this...this is absolutely right," she finished softly before leaning up on her tiptoes and kissing him softly.  "What do you think?" she asked hesitantly.

Finn bent and swept her up in his arms and quickly turned toward their bedroom.  "I think it's a very good thing that Emma is spending the night with Colin and Steph, because I'm ready to make a wee little one with my soon-to-be wife," he answered confidently.

"Yeah?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, Love.  There's nothing I want more," he assured her as he laid her gently in their bed and began kissing her neck and shoulders.  "You're so damn beautiful, baby."  He smiled as they took their time undressing each other, relishing the feel of their bare skin touching.  "I love you so much, Rory, and I'll spend every day for the rest of my life showing you just how much," he promised as he thrust into her.  It felt like coming home every time they were together.

Some time later, they curled up together, not bothering with clothes, and drifted off to sleep.  They maintained constantly contact throughout the night, neither one able to stand not being as close as possible, and woke several times throughout the night to make love to each other once again.  Something had shifted in their relationship that night.  It was as though making the decision to bring another life into the world together had further cemented their relationship and deepened their feelings for one another. 

They woke late the next morning, and after making love once again in the shower they drove the short distance to Colin and Steph's to pick Emma up.

"My, my.  I expected you two to look more well-rested," Steph teased as she opened the door and saw her two friends looking as though they hadn't slept at all the previous night.

Finn kissed Steph on the cheek and went to join Colin and the kids in the kitchen.

"Did you sleep at all?" Steph asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes!  I mean, not much.  But we did sleep," Rory insisted as a laugh escaped.  She couldn't believe how many times they'd made love in the last twelve hours.  "We decided to go ahead and start trying," she whispered to Steph, who had become one of her closest friends over the last six months.

Steph squealed and wrapped her arms around Rory in an enthusiastic hug.  "Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" she said excitedly.  "This is going to be amazing!"

"Yeah, it really is," Rory agreed with a huge smile.  "I never even knew if I wanted kids before I got pregnant with Emma, and my pregnancy with her was filled with such conflicting emotions because of the situation.  Of course, I wouldn't trade her for all the money in the world now.  But yeah, intentionally bringing another life into the world with the man I is going to be amazing."

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